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P0st3d by MURAD IV, 11.01.2015 - 07:21
This game makes no scence at all, most guys use infantry as main attack units, just build high numbers of infantry as main attack force cause its cheap, and expensive specialized units have no chance to match infantry, which anyway should be main defence force, not attacking force, so i suggest -2 attack on infantry, it not realistic for example 100 infantry beats 40-50 warships, which are 5-4 times expensive
16.01.2015 - 17:12
I don't think inf should be changed, but I do agree that it does make the game boring.

Remember the game is not just about the relative merits of the units, it rewards defensive play massively like leaf said.

And for everyone's fancy talk, the truth of the matter is that the easiest way to beat an inf spammer is to be a better inf spammer.
16.01.2015 - 18:28
Wr1tt3n by EndsOfInvention, 16.01.2015 at 17:12

I don't think inf should be changed, but I do agree that it does make the game boring.

Remember the game is not just about the relative merits of the units, it rewards defensive play massively like leaf said.

And for everyone's fancy talk, the truth of the matter is that the easiest way to beat an inf spammer is to be a better inf spammer.

Or to rush. That could work too.

And seriously.. dont nerf inf.. its like, if attack get nerfed everything will become fucked up. Most of expansions you know will not be of any usage, or it would be huge risk. Pick ds/sm, rush balkans for example.. win.. simple. boring.
16.01.2015 - 23:44
Don't support <---
R.I.P. Mortal Kombat 2/15/2015

17.01.2015 - 06:03
Wr1tt3n by EndsOfInvention, 16.01.2015 at 17:12

And for everyone's fancy talk, the truth of the matter is that the easiest way to beat an inf spammer is to be a better inf spammer.

Oh really? XD Are you taking this to the level of a simple "spammer"?? Then GW is a milita/marine spammer strategy, SM is a bomber/inf spammer strategy, NC is a inf/transport ship spammer strategy, RA is a tanks spammer strategy, etc. Then nerf every single unit in the whole game right??
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

17.01.2015 - 06:52
Wr1tt3n by RaulPB, 17.01.2015 at 06:03

Wr1tt3n by EndsOfInvention, 16.01.2015 at 17:12

And for everyone's fancy talk, the truth of the matter is that the easiest way to beat an inf spammer is to be a better inf spammer.

Oh really? XD Are you taking this to the level of a simple "spammer"?? Then GW is a milita/marine spammer strategy, SM is a bomber/inf spammer strategy, NC is a inf/transport ship spammer strategy, RA is a tanks spammer strategy, etc. Then nerf every single unit in the whole game right??

Back in my times, they used to teach us the importance of every unit.... We used to make sentries.... they were awesome....

right now is all about "Hey, don't make anything else than infantries because they have Nerf. If you are playing PD, your stack should be 95% infantries, the militias that you earn when taking a city and that 5% of sea, air transports and bombers."

"If you are playing NC, I don't care, you will have to infantry spam. I don't expect to see you using a single destroyer or submarine since they cost a lot. Your stack should be 95% infantries, the militias that you get when taking a city and that 5% of sea, air transports and bombers."

"If you are playing SM Ukraine, fuck it you will Inf spam or you will lose. 90% infantries + the militias you get from cities, 5% bombers and 5% air transport. Don't use stealth since they cost a lot."

"Ra? I don't care either. Ur a noob. Your stack should be militias > Tanks."

"GW? militia spam or you will be rushed gg no re"

"MoS or HW? full infantries plox"

" GC? 99% infantries, 0.8% Tanks and the rest for bombers, sea and air transport".

"Imp is 100% infantries. Don't buy anything else or u noob".

And all the statements be like:

"One infantry cost 60, one tank cost 120. With none, you should go infantry spam since 2 infantry have the same cost plus > one tank".
17.01.2015 - 06:55
Wr1tt3n by clovis1122, 17.01.2015 at 06:52

Clovis, please, don't make me laugh...
Serious face

On second thought, starts to laugh at this XD

Why are you so extremist? Really...
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

17.01.2015 - 09:04
Wr1tt3n by clovis1122, 17.01.2015 at 06:52

Wr1tt3n by RaulPB, 17.01.2015 at 06:03

Wr1tt3n by EndsOfInvention, 16.01.2015 at 17:12

And for everyone's fancy talk, the truth of the matter is that the easiest way to beat an inf spammer is to be a better inf spammer.

Oh really? XD Are you taking this to the level of a simple "spammer"?? Then GW is a milita/marine spammer strategy, SM is a bomber/inf spammer strategy, NC is a inf/transport ship spammer strategy, RA is a tanks spammer strategy, etc. Then nerf every single unit in the whole game right??

Back in my times, they used to teach us the importance of every unit.... We used to make sentries.... they were awesome....

right now is all about "Hey, don't make anything else than infantries because they have Nerf. If you are playing PD, your stack should be 95% infantries, the militias that you earn when taking a city and that 5% of sea, air transports and bombers."

"If you are playing NC, I don't care, you will have to infantry spam. I don't expect to see you using a single destroyer or submarine since they cost a lot. Your stack should be 95% infantries, the militias that you get when taking a city and that 5% of sea, air transports and bombers."

"If you are playing SM Ukraine, fuck it you will Inf spam or you will lose. 90% infantries + the militias you get from cities, 5% bombers and 5% air transport. Don't use stealth since they cost a lot."

"Ra? I don't care either. Ur a noob. Your stack should be militias > Tanks."

"GW? militia spam or you will be rushed gg no re"

"MoS or HW? full infantries plox"

" GC? 99% infantries, 0.8% Tanks and the rest for bombers, sea and air transport".

"Imp is 100% infantries. Don't buy anything else or u noob".

And all the statements be like:

"One infantry cost 60, one tank cost 120. With none, you should go infantry spam since 2 infantry have the same cost plus > one tank".

well it is true, except with hw u spam more marines and with imp u spam some tanks also

17.01.2015 - 11:08
Wr1tt3n by Knez, 17.01.2015 at 09:04

well it is true, except with hw u spam more marines and with imp u spam some tanks also

U didn't got the joke? XD
17.01.2015 - 11:57
Wr1tt3n by clovis1122, 17.01.2015 at 11:08

Wr1tt3n by Knez, 17.01.2015 at 09:04

well it is true, except with hw u spam more marines and with imp u spam some tanks also

U didn't got the joke? XD

its not joke when its true


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