G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 3   V1s1t3d by: 42 users
05.02.2016 - 08:34
Upon my experience and my buddys' too, we came to the conclusion that some strat are greatly increasing the chances of TB, for instance SM bombers, or RA tanks, or any Blitz unit. We are under the strong impression that the range of the unit trying to TB has a significant impact on the chances of TBing
Can someone from programming or mods enlight us, we are really convinced it is the case from many many experiments
Seule la victoire est belle
05.02.2016 - 09:32
To be honest i think that would be an amazing feature in the game if intentionally implemented at some point.
if its already there it should be refined.

05.02.2016 - 12:57
There is the effect of following a unit then tbing it at that location (further moves), in that range does help. Otherwise it's the same.

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