‹‹ B4ck t0 Bugs
G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 5   V1s1t3d by: 41 users
27.02.2011 - 04:36
Yeah, I was at friends house the day before yesterad, and we created a nick for him to play.
His doing good now, but we played a game and attacked a cap with 7 tanks, we had attack deffence 0/0.
Look for yourself.

He won the battle, but we couldnt be sure of a win.

This never happened to me when I play at my home, but happened to him twice!
Any chance this connected to his slow internet?

Thank you.
27.02.2011 - 06:48
 Amok (4dm1n)
Don't trust these numbers, they are not the actual values you'll get during the battle. It's definitely a bug though, but only in displaying these values.
27.02.2011 - 09:04
Wr1tt3n by Amok, 27.02.2011 at 06:48

Don't trust these numbers, they are not the actual values you'll get during the battle. It's definitely a bug though, but only in displaying these values.

Okay, but where can i see the real values?
27.02.2011 - 09:29
 Amok (4dm1n)
In the unit details menu (button on top) you can see you units' current values.
27.02.2011 - 20:23
I found that a lot of times whenever the city is near water, there's a chance for the 0/0 bug. It happens to me in Qatar all the time.

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