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29.01.2023 - 19:42
Hello, I am Dr. Alto Khauman. Today, we will be reviewing the mysterious, goofy, yuk yuk yuk, cringe, bing chlling, and racist AtWar player; Dr. Bright.

I have no evidence that this player is weird, because I forgot to take screenshots of the times Dr. Bright committed a war crime against AtWar, but through my recent memory Dr. Bright has lost all the games he had played so far during the week that this was written. You guys might be thinking, "Dr. Bright is just shit lol" but that's not the end of it.

Dr. Bright is also known to be annoying to several people, including, Raggi (rehehehe!), Brianwl (zoinks!), and everyone from the beginner room who isn't an alt (jeepers!). What did Dr. Bright do that made everyone hate this player so much? According to my sources, Raggi, they told me that Dr. Bright was really fucking annoying. Unfortunately, Raggi refused to give any examples of Dr. Bright being annoying. Another source, Brianwl, shows that they don't like it when Dr. Bright was talking about shit that one time in the forums. It stated something like, locked rule violations. The rules don't state anywhere that talking about shit is bad, but Brianwl still locks the post. Whatever Dr. Bright did though, Brianwl has forgiven them because Dr. Bright is still posting in the forums to this day.

The next following topic is Dr. Bright's obbesssion with, "make AtWar great again!" Dr. Bright has made several posts explaining why they should either become a mod, an admin, or just be given free premium. After seeing the sentence before, it seems that Dr. Bright is in this scheme just for the free premium, but through Dr. Bright's posts, they explain reasons why AtWar is dying, and makes "revolutionary" ideas that can "save" AtWar. This explains that Dr. Bright feels that they are the only person that do something to save this game, and with multiple people voting that Dr. Bright should become a major power in AtWar, Dr. Bright gets power hungry and starts doing quite regrettable decisions in their plan to control AtWar. This can be comparable to an infamous artist who was also voted on to become the chancellor of Germany that one time.

This concludes that Dr. Bright is a user that won't be solved and fully understood any time soon. Dr. Bright is goofy and stupid, but there are points made that this wonderful game isn't on the rise any time soon. As said by the infamous indiviual, "We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on their beaches. We shall come on their beaches. We shall never surrender!"

Please feel free to add on to this discussion to help us learn more about Dr. Bright!
I shit in the dark so that you can't flush the toilet in the day.
-Dr. Bright

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