09.01.2016 - 15:40
So I'm a noob, and I have a question. How do you win a battle? For example, if player A sends 10 tanks and player B sends 10 infantry, who would win? And what should one do to have the highest possibility of taking the city instead of the other person. We're talking about neutrals.
09.01.2016 - 15:45
I am assuming that Player A have 10 Tanks and he is attacking Player B's city, which is being defended by 10 Infantries. Each unit will roll a random number between 1 and their max attack or defense, and they will deal it as damage to the other unit. Every unit have 7 HP and the HP decreases as they take damage. When an unit loses all it's HP, the unit dies and the damage is transferred to the next unit (if any). Whoever runs out of troops loses the battle. As for your example, since Tanks usually have 8 attack and Infantries usually have 6 defense, it is most likely that the Tanks are going to win. You can always send either stronger units or more units to ensure your victory. EDIT: If both you and your opponent attacked a neutral city then the mechanics are a bit more complicated. Randomly, your units and his units will switch from attack to defense. One turn your units will be attacking and his units defending, and in other your units will be defending while his units will be attacking. Once again, whoever runs out of troops first loses.
09.01.2016 - 16:47
So there's really no way to make sure you'll win? Unless u send a heck ton of troops
09.01.2016 - 17:13
quality and quantity
09.01.2016 - 17:25
Viva la Grecia is right, it depends about quality and quantity as well. If you send 50 militias against 30 infantries for example, most of the times the militias are going to lose. Since the infantries are stronger at defense than the militias are for attacking (6 defense infantries vs 3 attack militias). To guarantee your win you can either send a heck of troops or just send troops that are stronger / from better quality.
09.01.2016 - 19:12
to elaborate on what clovis said, if you are competing for a neutral with another player the battle switches from attack to defence, so you want a 50:50 mix of attack and defensive units to maximise your chances of winning.
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