09.08.2015 - 01:28
Hello, I have decided that I completely suck at offensive Blitzkrieg maneuvers. and that I often find myself trying to build something like the Maginot line or the No mans land trench system of ww1, which doesn't work. What I'm asking here is a bit of advice from the more experienced, and if they have ever built such a thing. I am aware of walling, but the enemy just brakes through without a problem.. Bernteas
09.08.2015 - 20:02
Hey bernteas, just for starters, when you make a posts like thi with a question put it in the "questions" part of the forum ![]() Going back to your question, blitzkrieg is all about rushing your opponent and/or making a quick, large expansion. The key to winning games is to have an expansion. So if you are playing in europe and you own UK, some places you could expand to are France, Spain, Germany, Norway, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. With the right strategy, you can even get to sweden or denmark etc. By having a descent expansion, you will get more income and be able to get more troops. Blitzkrieg gives you a range bonus to reach far away places. In addition to expansions, blitz allows you to attack your enemy is places he/she may not expect. You can reach cities further away from the font line and be able to outrun your opponent's army. Blitz does give you a defense nerf for all of your units. Each unit loses 2 defense, so a unit that normally has 5 defense would now only have 3. With this defense nerf, you don't want to be put on the defensive, you want to try to keep attacking and to keep your opponent on the defensive side.
09.08.2015 - 20:46
Er are you living in old aw? defence is -1 except with inf which also have the bonus in city removed so effectively -2 for inf.
09.08.2015 - 21:12
![]() ![]()
10.08.2015 - 03:48
as he only has 10k SP i dont think he has blitz bought yet,i think he was talking about attacking in general,not blitz as a strat
4r3 y0u sur3?