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09.08.2015 - 19:40
Is it just me or atwar is really laggy
I mean I played on some killer pc's that could support gta 5 but still, laggy
especially on maps with bigger number of countries and cities (rps ggg ww1 etc.)
what I wonder is that silverlight thing ? or just bad luck for me
p.s its not my internet connection its pretty good
09.08.2015 - 22:16
Wr1tt3n by StreetRuler, 09.08.2015 at 19:40

Is it just me or atwar is really laggy
I mean I played on some killer pc's that could support gta 5 but still, laggy
especially on maps with bigger number of countries and cities (rps ggg ww1 etc.)
what I wonder is that silverlight thing ? or just bad luck for me
p.s its not my internet connection its pretty good

yea AW can be laggy at times, especially on those larger maps including the RPs and scenarios with a lots of data (aka large mounts of units, countries, borders etc.) ik the feel, i got pretty decent connection, and sometimes u get random lag with those maps. if you play europe games, or world games on normal map you should be ok however

10.08.2015 - 05:11
Wr1tt3n by StreetRuler, 09.08.2015 at 19:40


Um, try another browser. Firefox is well known for lagging with almost any game.
10.08.2015 - 06:41
Wr1tt3n by e Mare, 10.08.2015 at 05:11

Wr1tt3n by StreetRuler, 09.08.2015 at 19:40


Um, try another browser. Firefox is well known for lagging with almost any game.

will do, im gonna install opera i only have firefox and chrome and we all know whats up with chrome

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