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P0st3d by Nero, 12.08.2015 - 12:36
I will reiterate everything I said here: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=20830
Troll Nero will be toned down until the community gets some sort of voice. You would think the Admins would take note of the how angry the community is becoming from all the posts and things said in the game chat. However, this is not the case as 2 new, kind of random, mods were selected with no prior notice. I, and I am sure the community, would like some kind of announcement at least.
The community needs a voice and needs to be informed. No longer can members who have been playing for upwards of 3 years be left with no voice.
12.08.2015 - 15:16
Wr1tt3n by Goblin, 12.08.2015 at 15:09

I was talking about Tik-Tok... xD

You better be
12.08.2015 - 15:18
Wr1tt3n by Goblin, 12.08.2015 at 12:57

I asked a day ago on mod chat by report channel abusing really xD ...how the fuck did E mare became a mod?

I know him mostly from off topic... and that's not a good thing.

Get to know me from elsewhere.
It's not my problem that you deliberately looked at the "off-topic" forum posts I made.
12.08.2015 - 15:27
 Amok (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by chill, 12.08.2015 at 15:09

What reasons, The community will choose a mod based on experiences they've had with this person. Better than not knowing who they are!

It's not a popularity contest and we're not a direct democracy.
12.08.2015 - 15:30
 Amok (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by Nero, 12.08.2015 at 15:11

I don't see why not. If the reasons are so "obvious" you can surely sift out the troll responses from the serious ones, giving those who actually care about the game a chance to speak their minds.

We have our way of picking mods and so far it has proven to be really good. And the selection process is not a matter of public discussion, I'm afraid.
12.08.2015 - 15:34
Wr1tt3n by e Mare, 12.08.2015 at 15:18

It's not my problem that you deliberately looked at the "off-topic" forum posts I made.

Deliberately?... mate, i commented on your religiophobic post, which i disliked because generalizing such things as religious people and dumb black and white views how all religions should be fought when i believe there is no difference between them or any other social group makes me wonder on what kind of bias are you capable off if you merely dislike something...

You called me one of the many fools as well too... which i found no basis for, based on that conversation... but i could call you something based on you supporting Unleasheds crap in off topic. Bet you wont do that anymore now that your a mod.
12.08.2015 - 15:43
There will be no voice to this community. Sometimes we can't get what we want, get over it and move on.
12.08.2015 - 19:36
Wr1tt3n by Abraham, 12.08.2015 at 15:43

There will be no voice to this community. Sometimes we can't get what we want, get over it and move on.


TJM !!!
12.08.2015 - 20:37
Quit playing if it's such a problem. I for one enjoy the game and have fun regardless of who is a mod.
12.08.2015 - 20:50
Wr1tt3n by jimmynow, 12.08.2015 at 20:37

Quit playing if it's such a problem. I for one enjoy the game and have fun regardless of who is a mod.

Right on Jimmy
13.08.2015 - 05:26
Amok and Ivan, don't cave to these high ranks faggots. They seem to think that you two are idiots. "We want teh community (and by community we mean high rank old fags who want someone in their back pocket to be a mod) to review your mod picks to make sure they don't act impartial and against OUR wishes. We were here when it was AFTERWIND GODDAMIT! WE DESERVE SPECIAL PRIVILEGES!"

Go cri some more.
13.08.2015 - 05:53
Wr1tt3n by Amok, 12.08.2015 at 15:27

Wr1tt3n by chill, 12.08.2015 at 15:09

What reasons, The community will choose a mod based on experiences they've had with this person. Better than not knowing who they are!

It's not a popularity contest and we're not a direct democracy.

We have a Facist rule in aw!! Heil Führer Amok :bow: , and now by orders of our mighty fuhrer this topic is locked forever!!!

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