15.03.2011 - 12:15
I like this... think about it off the cost people fish.. and use the sea for resources. I think there should be areas that people could take over for extra money but not extra troops... since you cant make troop out of nothing.. but this would give a hole new level for sea units.. even tho I dont play it much it could be an aspect used to change game play.. for example islands out in the middle of no where could build maybe 2 to 3 troops but around them could be plots that give extra money.. or many they could boost troop production in different cities or capitals ... so lets say that same island that builds 2 troops could build 6 if all 4 other spots around it are held.. also this you could have zones that effect different spots for example island get the 3 spots around it and can build 5 troops instead of 2 or if uk for example gets those 3 then they could build 10 in the cap instead of 7... its an idea worth building on. Let me know what you all think
15.03.2011 - 13:48
Control of a sea zone means any ships moveing in or out of that zone as cars or trucks moveing through an ocupied country have a chance of encountering Militery units. not all seazones are so important while other ones like panama's would be a major blow to shipping for any un allid country. adding sea zones would be the first major step into bringing naval warfair in the game up a few notchs income should be based on the income of the countrys controling those seazones for example the sea of japan is vital to japans economy so take a few dollars from japan give them the sea of japan as part of there country and put those dollars there. In the example japan would start with sea of japan if chosen as a starting country and should also start with navel units in the sea of japan.
---- Where's the BEEF!
11.08.2015 - 01:19
---- "****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull out from him their body parts****" - IHY
12.08.2015 - 10:24
Don't necro threads.
4r3 y0u sur3?