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08.03.2014 - 15:48
I want a upgrade to become like a card. like special abilities. They act just like upgrades. You can have up to 20 cards per game and can be change as it best suit you in diffrent types of maps but can't be changed after game start.
Ex. a card can be bought by Strategic point(SP) or Special event like earning a rare card usually through tournament or event made for holidays. Another example a card that can help with your strategy(ex. sky menance). How bout cards that helps boost Master of stealth strategy we already have expendable marine and range for marine. But what if we get more card too boost marine, stealth bomber or submarine. Tank general upgrades can have their own stack of card like tank get one extra range, expendable tank.
- we can mix cards like for example (hybrid warfare) we can use cards that helps relieve it nerf, like a expendable infantry card.
- This can make a upgrade capacity limit per game which can make it fair for all rank but newcomer might not have all card since you have to earn them.
- We can have lots of upgrade but its limited to 20 cards per game.

* IF you are confuse cards are just upgrades.
* I got this idea because haven't the same upgrades bored me and i want to try new upgrades.
* All we are down to is Skill once you level your playing field.
^ Side Note: don't just put on cards that don't fit your style of playing.
08.03.2014 - 17:11
08.03.2014 - 17:43
Buff the upggreades? naaah...when i didn't had the inf upgreades it was so damn difficult to take out rank 7s, even though i didn't change my playstyle in the few days between before cheaper inf and after it, i became much better after it...so i'd say: nerf the upgreades, i want noobs to have the possibility to take out an rank 9

08.03.2014 - 21:29
I support, here is my thread which matches almost exactly to what you suggested besides the name of upgrades.
Wr1tt3n by Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Wr1tt3n by tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

08.03.2014 - 22:06
Wr1tt3n by Fruit, 08.03.2014 at 21:29

I support, here is my thread which matches almost exactly to what you suggested besides the name of upgrades.



And support to OP as well, anything's better than the current system.
11.03.2014 - 13:27
Would be interesting as an alternative game mode: i.e. option to play a 10 card game, 20 card game, standard game etc.

As mentioned by others, this has been presented in more detail in two previous threads where the idea has been discussed and developed more:
11.03.2014 - 15:28
I'm not supporting. Sorry, but 1) Strategies (imo, upgrades in general, too) SHOULD NOT be cards. 2) I explained everything in Fruit's topic which Grimm revived. 3) Totally unnecessary.

By the way, some people who have all the upgrades can have their best upgrades enabled in a game and a player who doesn't have all the upgrades will not be able to use all of his upgrades against a player who has the best upgrades on, therefore things are even more unbalanced.
Seriously, the way it is, is okay.
20.03.2014 - 19:49
Wr1tt3n by Nitmaros, 11.03.2014 at 15:28

I'm not supporting. Sorry, but 1) Strategies (imo, upgrades in general, too) SHOULD NOT be cards. 2) I explained everything in Fruit's topic which Grimm revived. 3) Totally unnecessary.

By the way, some people who have all the upgrades can have their best upgrades enabled in a game and a player who doesn't have all the upgrades will not be able to use all of his upgrades against a player who has the best upgrades on, therefore things are even more unbalanced.
Seriously, the way it is, is okay.

The Game is already unbalance with upgrades. Higher rank have more upgrade so why not get more upgrades. all you do is

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