G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 5   V1s1t3d by: 28 users
11.03.2014 - 00:32
A few suggestions:

Allow aerial units to bypass defensive lines.

Require that aircraft return to "refuel" at the end of turn. This would add an extra element of strategy.

It would also make many now-useless cities (small islands) very strategically important.

Both would make modern gameplay more realistic

11.03.2014 - 03:18
Interesting idea, but this would make air strategies OP and would change AW's gameplay drastically imagine leaving your general alone in cap turn 1 then turn 2 someone bombs the hell out of it.

I like the idea, maybe it should be an option for scenario's.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

11.03.2014 - 06:56
This idea is bad in so many ways.

Hey, I've got an idea. Let's make it like infantry and tanks cant kill airplanes cuz they're flying.
Or let's make it like an army in a city can't defend against bombers unless there's an anti-air unit in the city.
Sorry, I just can't take.this seriously.
U just want to make the the game realistic, but don't forget that it's still a game. Bombers have long range for a reason, anyway.
P.S; when I wrote "anti-air" my phone automatically changed it to "anti-gay" WTF.
11.03.2014 - 09:40
Wr1tt3n by The Tactician, 11.03.2014 at 03:18

Interesting idea, but this would make air strategies OP and would change AW's gameplay drastically imagine leaving your general alone in cap turn 1 then turn 1 someone bombs the hell out of it.

I like the idea, maybe it should be an option for scenario's.

11.03.2014 - 13:14
It's an interesting idea. I think, once you play the game a bit more, you'll realize why it can't be implemented (other than maybe in some scenarios as Tact suggested). There are many situation where this would drastically alter the way this game is played not to mention disrupt the balance of key strategies like Sky Menace.

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