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P0sts: 4   V1s1t3d by: 48 users
21.01.2021 - 12:54
Allow high ranks to spectate beginners games
Ban ranks lower than 6 from main games but allow them to spectate
21.01.2021 - 14:37
Wr1tt3n by Philsfromthesoul, 21.01.2021 at 12:54

Allow high ranks to spectate beginners games
Ban ranks lower than 6 from main games but allow them to spectate

Merge both rooms into 1 but allow ranks 7 and under to set their own rank limit with a free acc.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
24.01.2021 - 06:18
Wr1tt3n by Sun Tsu, 21.01.2021 at 14:37

Wr1tt3n by Philsfromthesoul, 21.01.2021 at 12:54

Allow high ranks to spectate beginners games
Ban ranks lower than 6 from main games but allow them to spectate

Merge both rooms into 1 but allow ranks 7 and under to set their own rank limit with a free acc.

It sounds like a good idea, but that sounds like a complication to beginners, as there would be mixed rooms for veterans and beginners, and they could often not remember, or even not know how to regulate the level allowed in the game.
I particularly liked the idea of ​​Philsfromthesoul, but I think that instead of level 6 the minimum, it was level 5.
"A vida escapa e se vai minuto a minuto e não podem ir ao supermercado comprar a vida. Então lutem para vivê-la, para dar conteúdo a ela." (José Pepe Mujica)
24.01.2021 - 07:43
Wr1tt3n by xX GN Xx, 24.01.2021 at 06:18

I would suggest having a default removable rank filter on new accounts,whilst only displaying relevant games acording to the accounts rank level.
One of the issues the game has faced for a long time is players disengaging from their accounts when transitioning from beginners to main, either by starting a new account or even worse leaving the game altogether. Adjusting the rank limit for the beginners room, in my opinion, is the equivalent to kicking a can up and down the street.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result

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