21.06.2013 - 14:59
----------------- INTRODUCTION: ----------------- I've been thinking what if a country could loan another country some money in order to save it from a crisis or in case of war. Please continue till the end of the example to understand the case you might fall-in. The amount loaned will be repayed after a number of turns agreed on by the country loaning the money (the investing country) and the other country which is the one taking the loan. In that way a country could support another one, maintaining peace with everyone. However in reality, it is opposing a country in a stealthy way. It's a win-win, since one country doesn't want to duel its rival (in power, dominance or whatever) and the other one is in need of money. We can add that the loan ability can be upgraded using SP but I think having it instantly is better. ____________________________________ ------------------------ *NEW* IDEAS ADDED: ------------------------ - It's enough to replace "Send" button with "Loan" and add 2 more buttons "Interest" (Which is the Payback percentage* of the total money loaned; in case you want to give away the money (just like we do no) you can put the interest at 0%). The second button is "Numb. of Turns" (It's the Payback's length* and if you want to give away (just like we do now) you can put the number at 0 which means unlimited numb of turns). - Any nation, once loaned, has to payback the money depending on the conditions agreed on. If this loaned nation leaves the game without completing it's payback, the rest of the money goes back to it's owner (the Loaner) + the interest rate agreed on. --> *Need an idea if the loaned country fell in much dept and can't pay anymore the debts what happens ? I have few suggestions: 1)This country gives ownership to all of its conquered lands to the Loaner country to refund it's missed money. 2)The dept just continue to rise and the balance stays negative but the Loaned money must be payed back, and the nation in dept has to stand on it's own now OR surrender. (Now we have added a new cause and realistic problem of surrendering: Economy. However the nation may not surrender and use it's available armies to try to fix the income and save its balance). - The way the deal goes: 1) The nation requests a Loan of let's say 25'000 from a nation (no conditions yet), after the turn ends, it appears as same as the 'Alliance suggestion' appears at the start of a new turn. The Loaner nations accept or denies (still no conditions). It's to give time for both nations to think of a good deal and to make it realistic it will take some turns to get your loan. Just like when you go to a bank, there's no way you will get a Loan and agreements in minutes. 2) If the Loaner nation refuses the request just falls. If the Loaner nation agrees, it decides the 1st round of Interest rate and Numb. of Turns to Payback and sends it back to the nation Requesting the loan. That's a second turn. 3) If the nation Requesting the loan agrees on the conditions set, the Loan starts (So it took them only 2 turns). Now if it refuses, the experience and skills of negotiations of each user starts and the nation that Requested the loan can STOP the negotiations or SUGGEST new conditions of Interest rate and Numb. of Turns. Then sends it back to the Loaner nation. It's simple and fast, but not too fast. And requires beautiful skills to close the deal. *Payback percentage: If you loan a nation 10'000 and add 25% interest rate, the requesting nation will have to pay after X agreed number of turns 12'500. *Payback's length: If you loan a nation 10'000 and add a Numb. of Turns of 10 (turns), the requesting nation will have to pay after 10 turns 10'000 + Y% of the money loaned. (X and Y agreed numbers through negotiations) ____________________________________ ------------- SCENARIOS: ------------- I made some scenarios if you guys wanna see when you really need the Loan feature and not the Giveaway we are currently using: -------------- SCENARIO 1: -------------- There's 3 players: A, B and C. A is at peace with everyone (B & C). A is the strongest empire between the 3 but has a critical period building or preparing or whatever.. B and C are at war. B is considerably more powerful than C, so that makes B the 1st contender against A and if B wins over C, it might breach A's defenses too. - Entering A's Mind: A doesn't know what to do: He doesn't want to go into war because he's reforming everything and getting his lands managed and B is strong. On the other hand, C is at war with B and needs money so why not to invest the money in C's account and make C fight back, more powerfully, B. - Entering C's Mind: C needs money in order to keep its strength and not to fall for B. So he requests a loan from A. And since A knows that it's for his empire's good to lend C the money, he accepts. In this case he is fighting B with out exposing his men to death. -------------- SCENARIO 2: -------------- Same players and same strength however the diplomacy is now: A enemy with B and neutral with C || C enemy with B and neutral with A || B enemy with both of them. However what put A & C together is ONLY that they have the same enemy but no other relation. So each of their empire's own profit comes first. This time we'll focus on the distance factor: A is far away from B & C. It's like A being in North America, C in India and B in Kazakhstan (What I mean is that it's a long route). So in order to A supports C (which is the weakest empire) and to keep it's profit, A decides to give a loan to C covering some of his fees. That way A fights B using C, evading from the long travel and the army security and funds (Boats to escort, planes etc..). If A is kind, he'll ask for a small percentage of payback, but in the end, it's all about the empire's profits. ____________________________________ Thanks for reading and hope it'll reach someplace. We need to at least test it and check if it fits well. It will improve the realistic gameplay of the game, gives more options to the finance sector and making the users feel they do control some smaller empire. After all, no empire/nation can stand on its feet if its finance isn't stable. Giving money for no payback isn't always a good move - But putting a small nation into dept and control it this way puts this nation's user under pressure and requests more experience and consequences. If you have any question ask please. Anything to add is welcomed.
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21.06.2013 - 15:29
You can send money to your ally. The possibility to secretly support another country in war by sending loan money sounds like a simple but good suggestion to me.
21.06.2013 - 16:45
Yes you can already send money to allies. But being able to send money to enemies and those whom you are at peace with could be an interesting addition to the gameplay. Support.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
21.06.2013 - 17:03
You can already send money to players you are at peace with.
---- [
21.06.2013 - 21:48
What an eloquent well thought out rebuttal to this new member of our community's idea. ![]()
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
Vladimir Lenin 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
22.06.2013 - 03:01 Vladimir Lenin 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
VRIL makes this a good idea. And I would like to loan players for real, so I can have my money back.
22.06.2013 - 07:45
22.06.2013 - 10:54
I know you can send to your allies. I'm not talking about allies mainly, i'm talking about a small feature to make peaceful and non-allied countries work together in the profit of both of them: One that needs money to survive a war and the other that invests its money while maintaining peace.
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22.06.2013 - 10:59
Just because you say useless bad words, doesn't make you a badass. So stop trying. And thanks for your maturity.. Anyways, loaning a country in order to get more profit per turn and to give the other country another chance to fight is not gay. It's cooperation. Oh and by the way YOUR COUNTRY does this strategy, so I guess you're gay motherfuckers ?
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22.06.2013 - 11:13
Did you not read my later post. i t was a drunken comment, i'm sorry. i hate the ideas of loans hey maybe we can have banks that loan you money they don't have in the form of paper money.
22.06.2013 - 15:02
Taking loan from banks will cut that bond of cooperation between user-user which is the main point of reality of this game. What I mean is; if there's an international bank open for all countries, users will not get involved in dept problems and dependency to other countries. Which is a fact of our real life and a must to the world leaders. Playing versus players and using stronger nations to get more funds is far more realistic, amusing and competitive than just taking a loan from the game itself. Dependency of small countries to bigger countries isn't fair but it is built and decided by YOU. I'm working on adding the feature of "Whether you're smart enough to decide: Save your nation and be dependent to a bigger one for X-Turns OR get your nation crushed and keep your honor OR be skilled enough to save your nation without seeking external help" Leadership depends on SKILLS and EXPERIENCE so why not to make this game too? --- And even changing the button "Send" to "Loan" and adding an "Interest" and a "Numb. of Turns" button would be enough. If you just wanna give the money like we currently do you add an Interest rate of 0% for a 0 Numb. of Turns length (adding that 0 is an unlimited number). It's simple, small, helpful and more realistic.
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22.06.2013 - 15:13
Exactly! And your country does that too in real life ^^ making smaller countries dependent to it. It's just how it works: Survival of the fittest. Why to hide reality from this realistic game?
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Vladimir Lenin 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
22.06.2013 - 23:54 Vladimir Lenin 4cc0unt d3l3t3d problem is are UN games. Goodness knows how more nooby they will get! Oh and, when a country in debt leaves, all his money goes to the person he owes. Plus extra money each turn to pay the debt back.
23.06.2013 - 01:08
That's nice to add thanks. Well actually I don't really know about the special maps but it's a good start to apply the Loan feature in the normal games.
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23.06.2013 - 01:50
I've edited the main post and divided it to look better, added the Ideas paragraph and I will add every idea you guys propose there. And there's a new idea in need in the " *New* IDEAS ADDED " section so please check it and see my suggestions and comment whether its good or not.
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Guest74170 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
26.06.2013 - 11:21 Guest74170 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
26.06.2013 - 14:48
And again you troll haven't you got better things to do apart from use an alt account call everyone a noob?
Guest52850 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
26.06.2013 - 15:07 Guest52850 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Well you don't have anything better to do than to bitch on thr forum? And yes, anyone that is rank 7 or lower is a fucking noob deal with it faggot. Takes less than 3 weeks to be rank 6. I can sell you my alt rank 7 for 5$
26.06.2013 - 16:06
your using an alt account. that says it all. period.
Guest52850 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
26.06.2013 - 17:16 Guest52850 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
No shit, i am ip ban! ( i can log in, but it will not let me play)
27.06.2013 - 03:52
no surprise there
Guest5021 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
27.06.2013 - 12:25 Guest5021 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
No surprise vril hates you, you are a noob and a troll
29.06.2013 - 12:02
Dafuq both of you are doing ? Can a mod delete their last comment please so the idea stays clean and obvious ? Bump.
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Vladimir Lenin 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
03.07.2013 - 02:28 Vladimir Lenin 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Bump, for the support!
06.07.2013 - 11:28
Very interesting; it has my theoretical support. BUT, I'm not sure about the consequences for the game dynamics, specially from the "ally-fugg" perspective. There has been increasing critique on players that avoid facing direct conflict with other players: ally everybody and un-ally when the allied player is already devastated (cowardly kicking a player that is already subexisting at the minimum, since he has been facing a bunch of "ally-fuggers")... this "stealthy support" could add to this coward posture... possibly! ¿Am I wrong?
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4r3 y0u sur3?