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11.02.2022 - 16:46
I'm writing an essay about how samurai and knights are similar. Give me your answers so that I can copy them without giving you credit. Do it now.
I shit in the dark so that you can't flush the toilet in the day.
-Dr. Bright
11.02.2022 - 22:27
I won't participate in helping the Skinner educational system mold you into a robotic "method" essay writer.

All you care about is getting your desired grade... and getting that desired grade means writing in the way you're told. Shouldn't it just be conveying your ideas on samurais and knights in a concise and understandable manner?

Since you clearly don't care about how the government is brainwashing you, your programmed history teacher is probably expecting that you use the Hegelian Dialectic method of reasoning- thesis, antithesis and synthesis. So your thesis can be: samurais used rice as currency which was debt-free money. Your antithesis can be that the educational system isn't teaching you about this, or any monetary history for fear that you understand how the current debt-based monetary system is fucking you. And the synthesis is that unlike the debt-free samurais who were able to defend themselves from colonizing Westerners, you are a goody-good serf who doesn't need to protect himself from your dollars becoming worthless.

Remember MTF what they keep teaching you at school- study hard. Get good grades. Get a degree. Then get a safe and secure job with good benefits Don't even try to ask questions on whether your paycheck will be worth something in a couple of years, because as you said in chat yesterday, being stupid is something you "hold as a badge of honor".
Miatsum Միացում Azerbaijan will be defeated
12.02.2022 - 00:13
No. >:)
I shit in the dark so that you can't flush the toilet in the day.
-Dr. Bright
12.02.2022 - 01:12
The late Harvard psychologist B.F. Skinner played an important rule in American education. Skinner proposes in his book Walden II (1948):
"We need a new and more perfect order in which children are reared by the state rather than by their parents, and are trained from birth to demonstrate only desirable behavior and characteristics"

He claimed:
"People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively. One cannot make connections, repeat an act nor recall a fact unless provided with the necessary stimuli and environment (like a dog that learns to sit after the immediate receipt of a dog biscuit)."

Yesterday you told me how you could barely get into your favorite subject- math. It's a shame that you don't recognize that this isn't your fault; it's that the school system is purposefully failing you.
Miatsum Միացում Azerbaijan will be defeated
12.02.2022 - 04:55
It depends on how much time you have, but here are some tips:

1. Make a sunshine circle with every words associated to the subject.
2. Try to think on what condiction each suggestion or idea depends on.
3. Try the arrows system to make sure each idea is followed by reason. It often happens that when we try to explain several different idea we meddle between them, then when you are positive that you have it fixed in your head write your essay.

If you have time, try to re-read your essay and summarize each passage in short. If you have several days to work on it search essay/newspaper articles online, try to understand the reasoning behind their choices of the order of the passages/chapters, it often helps to embolden an idea.

Good luck

12.02.2022 - 05:19
Just write and think
Happiness = reality - expectations

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