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P0sts: 32   V1s1t3d by: 52 users

0r1g1n4l p0st

P0st3d by , 28.06.2014 - 11:14
Hello Admins,
I have already previously written you about the fact that there is quite a bit of anti-Semitism circulating throughout this game. I myself am a Jew and I in no way mean to be thin-skinned but what some people are saying is in fact quite hurtful. I merely wish to end the anti-Semitism in this game and by doing so report one incident which really bothered me. I was in the midst f playing a game and one of the players came out and stated the below quote in the public chat:
Professor Adog (Emperor Hirohito): EWWW KICK NORTH JAPAN HE LIKES JEWS
It would be quite kind and helpful if you would in some way contact this player (Professor Adog) and find some solution to his problem of anti-Semitism.

Thank you!
28.06.2014 - 11:26
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Hello Admins,
I have already previously written you about the fact that there is quite a bit of anti-Semitism circulating throughout this game. I myself am a Jew and I in no way mean to be thin-skinned but what some people are saying is in fact quite hurtful. I merely wish to end the anti-Semitism in this game and by doing so report one incident which really bothered me. I was in the midst f playing a game and one of the players came out and stated the below quote in the public chat:
Professor Adog (Emperor Hirohito): EWWW KICK NORTH JAPAN HE LIKES JEWS
It would be quite kind and helpful if you would in some way contact this player (Professor Adog) and find some solution to his problem of anti-Semitism.

Thank you!
28.06.2014 - 11:27
Locked. I'm dealing this. Dam you fool can't even watch the world cup.
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