21.01.2012 - 09:32
All About Kosova There is a new patch in AfterWind. We like it. It's really good. You are add some miny-tiny countries. But the powerfull point is, you remove the KOSOVO like it isn't a country. Our clan is will not tolerate this. Kosovo is an independent country. There is so much Serb people in AfterWind, we know it. But there is so much another people in AfterWind too. If you don't care our ideas or if you don't understand our ideas, this is will be bad for everyone. Think it, there is a real country. It's INDEPENT! And another country take it for no reason in this game. It is bullshit right? Make your choise. We want the KOSOVO! Red Army Of Castle's Peoples
21.01.2012 - 10:54
Perhaps you also want South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Transnistria, Palestine and other half-recognized territories? Look, personally I support Kosovo and wish them the best with their "being own country" thing, but the line has to be drawn somewhere and we need to have some standards if we don't want to get involved in politics (we really don't). Now, cool down and let's have a reasonable and objective discussion, rather than being all emo about it.
21.01.2012 - 11:21
If You never added Kosovo OK! Are you kidding ? You added Kosovo and then you removed.Why? Yeah Movie is right 'There is so much Serb people in AfterWind'
sub-area cacow 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
21.01.2012 - 19:01 sub-area cacow 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
I support this request. You added Kosovo and then removed it for no obvious reason. This is way more of a political statement than just let it be the way it was.
21.01.2012 - 19:47
Seriously, Transnistria is in Moldova, South Ossetia is in Georgia and its the same for every non fully recognized countries. The only exceptions is Palestine that get an independant territory(With no cities!) *Edit: an other exceptions western sahara in mauritania.... So could you please stop your american lobby to add kosovo.... No one is asking for pro-russian states like South Ossetia so why Kosovo? There is, I think, 2 solutions to this problem: 1.Merge Palestine with Israel so there wont be any differences between the non fulyl recognized countries 2. Switch every non fully recognized countries to neutral zone like palestine...... weird and much more complicated... The only problem that i see is that Serbia can build troops in Kosovo capital... would be more realistic to delette this city from the map,.
21.01.2012 - 19:49
My suggestion is to add countries recognized by at least half of the G20 nations. Kosovo is recognized by 11.
21.01.2012 - 19:52
But pristina is rather populous. no point in deleting the city if it's worth something.
21.01.2012 - 19:55
Vindictive... yoru idea could be good but the problem is that any opinion can choose somewhat that give them what they want. It's 100% arbitrary to choose half of the g20. By exemple the pro-Serbia that are against ksovo could say: My suggestion is to add countries at least recognized by half the world popualtion..... Ps: I'm not pro-serbia.... i only want to be objective. Im a quebec separatist so for me every nation should have the right to lead is future
21.01.2012 - 19:59
But still, My point is that Ivan and Amok should just have one rule for recognizing countries.
21.01.2012 - 20:15
Well i think that now the rule is simple...... There is on the map every countries fully recognized! There is one exception to this and it's Taiwan...... But I think that almost everyone agree on the fact that Taiwan should be in the game for obvious reason.... For every others non fully recognized countries.... there is serious political issue so the best for this game is to add none of these coutries or to add all of them..... Both of this choice won't seem prefect and will be criticized but it is better than to arbitrary choose to add Kosovo and not Abkhazia like it was before the map update
21.01.2012 - 23:32
22.01.2012 - 08:44
Ok Fruit... never saw this topic..... well there is a little pro serbia-russia-ortodox lobby in this forum too. But like I said before... better to have none or all this non-fully-recognized than a situation where the staff favorise one lobby over the others. It was the case before with Kosovo and not South Ossetia. Sincerely this move from the staff to delete kosovo show that they are neutral. *By saying that it is an american lobby i'm not really objective.... so lets say that it is a pro NATO and pro muslim lobby=) But well i'm pretty sure that without the american pression Canada would not have recognized Kosovo.....
22.01.2012 - 09:27
I loled at that thread
22.01.2012 - 09:48
Remove Pristina and add some other serbian city, problem solved.
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
22.01.2012 - 10:25
(Every American and German textbook speaks of Kosovo, every map has it, everyone knows it. That war in 2008 really meant something. At least remove Kosovo fully from the map, and merge Palestine with Israel if we are not including countries with only 40% of the world behind them. You could hold a vote as well, but I think the only people who really do not want Kosovo is the Serbs. But like you've stated previously, Afterwind is non-political, so removing Kosovo is all up too you).
---- Te quiero putta!
23.01.2012 - 14:32
Then it would be fair to add Banja Luka to Bosnia and Herzegovina coz its 2nd capital that belongs to bosnian srbs.
---- You fuck with the best you die like the rest !!! ![]()
06.02.2012 - 07:52
We could also rename it to yugoslavia... maybe the only way to end this ugly point of the newer european history. =/ and for AW btw the post up to me... Himmler from Germany. with 111 years cant you rename you too? pls - theres nothing to glorify
06.02.2012 - 21:26
I cant imagine how much hell would break loose with Yugoslavia being a country... Also, Serbia is much better strategically with Kosovo added anyways, so just keep it.
---- ![]() ![]()
06.02.2012 - 21:33
well if they made it yugolslavia then all hell would break loose with them and SRBs. strategically it doesnt matter cause the city and what not is still there, it makes no difference
06.02.2012 - 21:54
It makes all the difference Dur. Imagine if this happened to Jamaica and it was given to Cuba or Mexico ect. It would piss me off to the max. And if you can't feel how it is through my way lets just say USA was taken out and given to China or something.
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
07.02.2012 - 02:55
would be funny as hell =D but btt: if we rename it to jugo... all religions and ethnic group constitutes will be in there so nobody could say "blabla u miss us..."
09.05.2012 - 17:11
How about if it's recognized by the U.N.? I think it would be a good line.
09.05.2012 - 17:31
Simple change the whole Setting to an imanignary World, rename all Countrys with fanatsy names and all politiks is out. I mean who cares? Its a game not a lessen in geography. Ivan and Amok decide to make this like it is, and then it is. If we dont like it, we could leave, otherwise we igonre the ethnik/politcal Stuff and have fun.
09.05.2012 - 22:24
i support kurdistan.moderators pls add this country.stop fight abaut politics we basically all chinenes ![]() all know that kosovo is 2 albanian state in balkan.i think albania is added in afterwind maps so why you revolt abaut kosovo.
---- ![]()
13.05.2012 - 03:27
Dude, I've just got your PM complaining about members of Hellenic Macedonians trying to redefine country borders - and here you are, doing exactly the same thing. Not cool. And I would very much like to stop fighting about politics - and the only way to do this is not to take sides, but simply use the current internationally defined country borders.
13.05.2012 - 09:37
Yeah, he pretty obviously has a reason to be biased. As for Kosovo, the "current internationally defined borders" you speak of are disputed, because some countries have recognised it, others haven't. Three out of five permanent members of the UNSC recognising it (along with a shitload of other countries) is a good case for inclusion in my opinion.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
13.05.2012 - 11:05
Bravo. Also, when I saw "UNSC" I instantly thought of Sgt. Johnson. You receive gold medal.
18.05.2012 - 23:33
You say you don't want to get involved in politics. I understand that. So I would make sense if you never added Kosovo in the first place. It would also make sense if you added them in and then kept them in. But to add them in and then remove them is more of a political statement than not. So your reasoning seems a bit faulty. I don't care though. It's not like some backwater Balkan country matters that much. ![]()
18.05.2012 - 23:38
Matters more than most.
4r3 y0u sur3?