G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 31   V1s1t3d by: 59 users

0r1g1n4l p0st

P0st3d by Quantum027, 23.07.2014 - 14:01
Myself and others have formed a new clan called "The Senate", this clan is for mainly map-makers who are angered by the constant community of trolls. There are too many leavers who force remakes and wall-fuckers who take advantage of strategic situations several turns earlier than they should. The Senate is a group of us who wish to create a Universal Ban-List in which players who break the simplest of rules are banned from not just the map they broke rules on, but instead a network of maps created by many different players. In this clan we have several different parts or groups. There is the Consuls who rule over everything and ensure that bans are applied and reported, there are also Tribunes who deal with players who feel their ban was false and wish it to be repealed. There is also the Communicators, those who stretch out to the community and try to recruit people. There are many different roles needed for the clan to succeed and the trolls to be limited (I would say stopped but that is frankly impossible). Apply today and make a difference for our community.
29.07.2014 - 20:24
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