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P0st3d by DURRHUNTER, 10.07.2012 - 21:15
This is a stupid topic thats already been pulled up before
12.07.2012 - 22:50
Wr1tt3n by Hugosch, 12.07.2012 at 16:38

Wr1tt3n by VAGlNEER 2.0, 11.07.2012 at 08:51

I get muted for 24 hours for saying that teams were unbalanced? sometimes I wonder...

[2012-07-10 10:08:01.1842] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: amok ivan die sry
[2012-07-10 10:08:20.7154] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: so does this game still suck or what
[2012-07-10 10:13:22.9503] Info: Global, VAGlNEER [7255]: sup how's aw been without big boy #3
[2012-07-10 13:08:31.4109] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: go jerk off to your conspiracies or something, nobody wants to hear your fabricated sdhit
[2012-07-10 13:09:14.1237] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: FUCK
[2012-07-10 13:21:26.1862] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: abis1996: suck my ess jew abis1996 (spectator): hoerai to the kukuksklan
[2012-07-10 14:16:30.3188] Info: Global, VAGlNEER [7255]: lord kasap turkmenistan, pls teach me the ways of defeating fruit in a duel
[2012-07-10 15:04:19.3823] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: torres is a fag
[2012-07-10 15:09:46.1405] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: robben is a fag
[2012-07-12 14:18:15.1413] Info: Global, TopTrapper [7255]: hello all reps to the vaglneer 4 president (boot romney) campaign 100% go to the foundation pls donate by repping thx
[2012-07-12 14:20:09.5051] Info: Global, TopTrapper [7255]: thx very appreciated my southeastern asian brother, all reps go to vaglneer awards

You said something about unfairly muting? Sometimes I wonder...

I can confirm no corrupt mods here. (ps gimmie mai global bok plz)

I like stuff.... Yay?
13.07.2012 - 09:35
Wr1tt3n by Hugosch, 12.07.2012 at 16:38

Wr1tt3n by VAGlNEER 2.0, 11.07.2012 at 08:51

I get muted for 24 hours for saying that teams were unbalanced? sometimes I wonder...

[2012-07-10 10:08:01.1842] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: amok ivan die sry
[2012-07-10 10:08:20.7154] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: so does this game still suck or what
[2012-07-10 10:13:22.9503] Info: Global, VAGlNEER [7255]: sup how's aw been without big boy #3
[2012-07-10 13:08:31.4109] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: go jerk off to your conspiracies or something, nobody wants to hear your fabricated sdhit
[2012-07-10 13:09:14.1237] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: FUCK
[2012-07-10 13:21:26.1862] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: abis1996: suck my ess jew abis1996 (spectator): hoerai to the kukuksklan
[2012-07-10 14:16:30.3188] Info: Global, VAGlNEER [7255]: lord kasap turkmenistan, pls teach me the ways of defeating fruit in a duel
[2012-07-10 15:04:19.3823] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: torres is a fag
[2012-07-10 15:09:46.1405] Info: Room, VAGlNEER [7255]: robben is a fag
[2012-07-12 14:18:15.1413] Info: Global, TopTrapper [7255]: hello all reps to the vaglneer 4 president (boot romney) campaign 100% go to the foundation pls donate by repping thx
[2012-07-12 14:20:09.5051] Info: Global, TopTrapper [7255]: thx very appreciated my southeastern asian brother, all reps go to vaglneer awards

You said something about unfairly muting? Sometimes I wonder...

umad because robben is a fag? lol

also, as Pinheiro said before, you're leaving out half the story. Tik tok was hating on my isreali brothers so I stood up for them. Is that a crime? Being anti-anti-semitic? outside of that, I don't see anything that could constitute a mute really.
I was banned for your sins

VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
13.07.2012 - 13:27

umad because robben is a fag? lol

also, as Pinheiro said before, you're leaving out half the story. Tik tok was hating on my isreali brothers so I stood up for them. Is that a crime? Being anti-anti-semitic? outside of that, I don't see anything that could constitute a mute really.

I belive you... Tik would do that,every1 knows that he is a racist
"There is a hero in all of us"

13.07.2012 - 21:08
Wr1tt3n by Deray YG, 12.07.2012 at 22:50

what, send it to ivan and amok in a pm lol.
13.07.2012 - 22:28
Wr1tt3n by nonames, 13.07.2012 at 21:08

Wr1tt3n by Deray YG, 12.07.2012 at 22:50

what, send it to ivan and amok in a pm lol.

>totally not forged
13.07.2012 - 22:37
Jesus Christ, you people make me sick. It's like watching bratty kids fight with their overly-nice parents.
13.07.2012 - 22:50
AW indeed needs better moderation. However, not the quantity of Mods should be increased, but the quality of mods and moderation.
On the cool side of Thievery.
13.07.2012 - 22:53
Wr1tt3n by Clovek30, 13.07.2012 at 22:50

AW indeed needs better moderation. However, not the quantity of Mods should be increased, but the quality of mods and moderation.

I think we need more mods, because there's plenty of times where I'll report someone and there aren't any mods online.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
14.07.2012 - 02:40
I still believe stricter and faster punishment would be the solution, i dont want to know how many warning someone gets before a bann, which is, be honest, the only punishment which hurts.
14.07.2012 - 10:19
Wr1tt3n by Tzeentch, 14.07.2012 at 02:40

someone gets before a bann, which is, be honest, the only punishment which hurts.

Doesn't hurt me.

I like stuff.... Yay?
14.07.2012 - 12:27

It hurts, believe me ;-)
18.07.2012 - 17:37
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Nah mod thinks Xenius is my account, its not my account its rank 7 and i am rank 6.... Everyone knows i am playing like rank 4...I hate liars...
Ivan can u help me??????
19.07.2012 - 08:07
 Ivan (4dm1n)
at this entire thread.
28.07.2012 - 18:12
As I said, I completely disagree. This game needs better players. Everyone is so ON THE EDGE that it's ridiculous. Not everyone is a troll, not everyone is a dick, not everyone is a noob. This community needs better communication and understanding, and all the pony love and rainbow orgies involved.
Wr1tt3n by Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
29.07.2012 - 03:12
Mods are doing what they can.
They just can't run into banning everyone when they see that someone has done something bad.
It's called getting an another chance to make amends.
Okay, it really annoys when Turkish players want to flood the chat and no one is there to stop them, but put it that way. What if anyone of you would become a mod. Would you quit your IRL doings and just no-life online in AW to stop chat flood? I don't think so.
01.08.2012 - 00:54
Wr1tt3n by Brandreas, 29.07.2012 at 03:12

Mods are doing what they can.
They just can't run into banning everyone when they see that someone has done something bad.
It's called getting an another chance to make amends.
Okay, it really annoys when Turkish players want to flood the chat and no one is there to stop them, but put it that way. What if anyone of you would become a mod. Would you quit your IRL doings and just no-life online in AW to stop chat flood? I don't think so.

use chat options on /off heheheh no one will boring you

01.08.2012 - 01:07
Wr1tt3n by WillPalm, 01.08.2012 at 01:00

Wr1tt3n by avatar, 01.08.2012 at 00:54

Wr1tt3n by Brandreas, 29.07.2012 at 03:12

Mods are doing what they can.
They just can't run into banning everyone when they see that someone has done something bad.
It's called getting an another chance to make amends.
Okay, it really annoys when Turkish players want to flood the chat and no one is there to stop them, but put it that way. What if anyone of you would become a mod. Would you quit your IRL doings and just no-life online in AW to stop chat flood? I don't think so.

use chat options on /off heheheh no one will boring you


Or you could ignore them, also, Why did you kick me out of the clan?My rank is not too low!

no i dont kick you thats same one from new leaders i will talk with him
01.08.2012 - 01:23
Wr1tt3n by avatar, 01.08.2012 at 01:07

Wr1tt3n by WillPalm, 01.08.2012 at 01:00

Wr1tt3n by avatar, 01.08.2012 at 00:54

Wr1tt3n by Brandreas, 29.07.2012 at 03:12

Mods are doing what they can.
They just can't run into banning everyone when they see that someone has done something bad.
It's called getting an another chance to make amends.
Okay, it really annoys when Turkish players want to flood the chat and no one is there to stop them, but put it that way. What if anyone of you would become a mod. Would you quit your IRL doings and just no-life online in AW to stop chat flood? I don't think so.

use chat options on /off heheheh no one will boring you


Or you could ignore them, also, Why did you kick me out of the clan?My rank is not too low!

no i dont kick you thats same one from new leaders i will talk with him

01.08.2012 - 10:56
I love being Srbian.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
01.08.2012 - 14:10
Just need to recruit mods that live in different timezones, that way AW will have moderation 24/7. I'm pretty sure all the mods are from Europe.
01.08.2012 - 14:20
Wr1tt3n by Leaf, 01.08.2012 at 14:10

Just need to recruit mods that live in different timezones, that way AW will have moderation 24/7. I'm pretty sure all the mods are from Europe.

Aqu - Eastern USA
Pinheiro - Central Brazil
Pantha - Oceania
Caulerpa - Croatia
Hugosch - Netherlands
Guest14502 - Western USA

Time zones seem to be full, mate.
01.08.2012 - 15:47
We should have two mods for each timezone because there are times when none of them are on.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
01.08.2012 - 16:07
Wr1tt3n by Garde, 01.08.2012 at 14:20

Wr1tt3n by Leaf, 01.08.2012 at 14:10

Just need to recruit mods that live in different timezones, that way AW will have moderation 24/7. I'm pretty sure all the mods are from Europe.

Pinheiro - Central Brazil

wouldn't this be the amazon
Wr1tt3n by Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Wr1tt3n by tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

01.08.2012 - 16:10
Wr1tt3n by Fruit, 01.08.2012 at 16:07

Wr1tt3n by Garde, 01.08.2012 at 14:20

Wr1tt3n by Leaf, 01.08.2012 at 14:10

Just need to recruit mods that live in different timezones, that way AW will have moderation 24/7. I'm pretty sure all the mods are from Europe.

Pinheiro - Central Brazil

wouldn't this be the amazon

That's more northwards, I meant the area around Mato Grosso, pretty sure Pin said he's from Cuiabá, which is around there I believe
01.08.2012 - 17:40
We're looking for new mods and I'm pretty sure we will have some reinforcements soon.
Wr1tt3n by Garde, 01.08.2012 at 16:10
That's more northwards, I meant the area around Mato Grosso, pretty sure Pin said he's from Cuiabá, which is around there I believe

I'm from Curitiba.

"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
01.08.2012 - 18:12
Wr1tt3n by Pinheiro, 01.08.2012 at 17:40

We're looking for new mods and I'm pretty sure we will have some reinforcements soon.
Wr1tt3n by Garde, 01.08.2012 at 16:10
That's more northwards, I meant the area around Mato Grosso, pretty sure Pin said he's from Cuiabá, which is around there I believe

I'm from Curitiba.

Damn it! Well, I was close.
02.08.2012 - 02:14
Wr1tt3n by Garde, 01.08.2012 at 14:20

Wr1tt3n by Leaf, 01.08.2012 at 14:10

Just need to recruit mods that live in different timezones, that way AW will have moderation 24/7. I'm pretty sure all the mods are from Europe.

Aqu - Eastern USA
Pinheiro - Central Brazil
Pantha - Oceania
Caulerpa - Croatia
Hugosch - Netherlands
Guest14502 - Western USA

Time zones seem to be full, mate.

I think you've completely forgotten about Asia. Not that I'm saying there are alot of Asian players, but there still is a handful online when I get on. There are no mods on for like a 6 hour period during that time.
02.08.2012 - 12:01
Wr1tt3n by Leaf, 02.08.2012 at 02:14

Wr1tt3n by Garde, 01.08.2012 at 14:20

Wr1tt3n by Leaf, 01.08.2012 at 14:10

Just need to recruit mods that live in different timezones, that way AW will have moderation 24/7. I'm pretty sure all the mods are from Europe.

Aqu - Eastern USA
Pinheiro - Central Brazil
Pantha - Oceania
Caulerpa - Croatia
Hugosch - Netherlands
Guest14502 - Western USA

Time zones seem to be full, mate.

I think you've completely forgotten about Asia. Not that I'm saying there are alot of Asian players, but there still is a handful online when I get on. There are no mods on for like a 6 hour period during that time.

Oceania has the same timezones as Asia, Glennmiller and Pantha handle them.
02.08.2012 - 13:03
I need better computer
02.08.2012 - 22:03
I can recall "Mod-free" days currently where the chat box was a "Troll's Paradise."

For mod nominations I suggest Fruit. Never, I repeat "never" nominate me. I tend to rage at ridiculous topics sometimes.
I like stuff.... Yay?

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