13.06.2013 - 22:23
I like the idea I am sick to death of losing games because one simply cannot cope with the number of troops small map games are becoming almost impossible, but how would this work once one of the players leaves or is killed: you would still end up in a situation with 4v1 or more? or would you have to cancel one of your alliances to meet the ratio?
13.06.2013 - 22:39
Probably you end up with a 4v1 situation... choose well your alliances! And pray! Huehuehue... The other way, of cancelling alliances does not really make sense. Why should an alliance suffer if the "others" were defeated and/or left the game?
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14.06.2013 - 01:32
Limiting number of allies changes nothing, people would still team up without the alliance made. 3v3v1=>6v1=>3v3 That one person still get bulldozed. And in your table 1v1 allows no ally end= duel game.
14.06.2013 - 08:02
Cheers, CD
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Guest20572 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
14.06.2013 - 08:03 Guest20572 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
What about limiting everyone to 3 allys.
14.06.2013 - 09:19
By your percentages and in your own post you note that the endgame can end up in a 6v1 situation. The game will still be taken by a mass alliance. More like, it will be a race to ally the max you are allowed and then keep that number as the game goes on --with the intent on finishing the game 6 vs [lesser alliance] vs [One player]. Sure right now you're free to ally as many as you want and try to overwhelm better players, but the other alliances(or single players) can ally up and try to take on the big alliance further on as well. (The "ally or we die" situation) A far better option would be to have the game host choose the number and go with it. Just have the default on "Allies: Normal" and have a drop down selection after the ":" and choose "Max 2" or "Max 1". The default normal is just what we have now, no limits. This doesn't need to be complicated. My initial point still stands,
There are other points I have noticed that haven't been discussed, but in favour of simplicity, and unless brought up by another, I don't feel they are important enough to discuss so I will settle with my points I have already stated.
14.06.2013 - 09:51
Sorry, I have not read your post with the "drop-down menu for choosing max alliances". To be honest, it is probably the best "solution"; to have (the host of a game) the option to choose from a menu "Enabled Alliances":
But, there should always be the option (oviously with the exception of team games, where we have a completely different logic of alliances) for "Ally End". When all the players decide to "ally end", it happens. Excelent point Desu.
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14.06.2013 - 10:24
That assumes the players conform. Heck, ripping sp from 1 high rank is better than grinding between low ranks. I am saying that 'alliance' is merely a formality (players can keep peace or just not attack each other), whether or not the numbers are affected, the free rider problem still stands. Most likely outcome of altering alliance mechanics pushes people to be peace-fags. (More betrayal fun!)
14.06.2013 - 10:29 You should have read the entire thread I guess. My post was on the first page.
@the ally end point, Another(and probably many others) game I have played before has a draw option that pops up when the game engine notices that neither player has made progress in terms of winning the game. Sort of like checkers where if you move back and forth in a corner 10-20 times the game is usually declared a draw. The "Draw" button would pop up and all players involved would have the option of pressing it, and ending the game. Translating this to atWar terms, it would count as an ally end as nobody loses, and I guess everyone left wins. So we could just have a "Draw" option visible in a ally-restricted game, and would only work if every single player pressed it. I wouldn't suggest putting this option on a normal game with unlimited alliances, as they can just choose to ally end. [Off topic] You don't need to reiterate everything that is said and put it into some format you think looks nice. Just acknowledging it is fine. This does get annoying every time you do it. Same with your "cheers, CD" thing. Your posts have your name beside it already. Thanks. THANK YOU FOR READING MY POST, HAVE A NICE DAY CHEERS, MY NAME IS DESU. ~Desu (btw, I'm Desu) Just reminding you I am Desu.
14.06.2013 - 10:55
Got the message. Didn't expect less. Next time please just PM me for personal issues; if you consider my posts annoying. CHEERS!
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14.06.2013 - 11:18
Some players say that even if we limit alliance's people we stilll team up by using peace what about that
14.06.2013 - 11:31
This is true indeed. Just have the peace option disabled in a ally-restricted game. Only have peace for the first turn(and when a player joins game, so, their first turn) and don't have it for the rest of the game.
24.06.2013 - 02:20
I don't normally comment on update related things but I am beginning to feel like they don't care about this issue. This ally all mentality is fast making me lose interest in this game. When it comes to a point where I have the choice only to be able to play in 3v3 or 1v1 games, or have to fight against a bunch of allies that don't have a clue what they are doing Spam bombers Spam bombers then what is the point?
28.06.2013 - 16:22
Maybe the solution is betrayal let the ally fags ally you then later betray and kill them of course they have to sent the request
Guest5021 4cc0unt d3l3t3d |
28.06.2013 - 16:51 Guest5021 4cc0unt d3l3t3d
No shit Then the people you kill will call you ally-fag And the people you betray will call u noob-backstabber. And both groups will enemy list you lol
28.06.2013 - 19:12
From what I have seen the game nearly always descends into A) Players form 2 big alliances and just keep invading neutrals until they collide with the enemy, form there it is just a game of brute force B) One side massively outnumbers the other and eventually the smaller players are picked off, sometimes leaving the others to backstab and fight amongst themselves, this is usually a chain reaction. I think that their should be 'ambassador units' which have to go to a city with other ambassador units, this introduces a more tacical play, you can't just ally someone across the globe, you would have to transport and protect them all the way, this would also drain your resources, by default there should be always one at a players cap that can't be moved. If you get rejected then you lose money spent on protecting troops and the ambassador. They could be sabotaged by enemies so other players have a chance to stop alliances. I would make the ambassador require a private jet to travel in (again, money required, this does increase range though) What do you think?
29.06.2013 - 15:58 Creative but I prefer using the internet or a phone for diplomatic reasons.
09.07.2013 - 16:22
Yes but they cannot win, they will eventually attack eachother
14.07.2013 - 20:01
If a player allyfags and sends me an alliance. Ill likely accept. If I feel they have allied too much, Ill tell them that they are an allyfag, end alliance, declare war and kill them. Allyfags ten to not take much land, they are usually weak and Im not sharing my loot with someone who allied my enemies.
14.07.2013 - 20:10
I can't stand playing an EU+ game with ally fags. Especially when France, Spain, UK, and Germany ally each other to rape the eastern countries.
15.07.2013 - 00:47
Too bad for them, cause they can't expand while Turkey and Ukraine can.
18.07.2013 - 18:07
War has rules in the real world, actually. Breaking them (crimes of war) is something you don't want to do ![]() This however is a game and we are trying to enjoy the strategic aspect of war. It is not at all enjoyable to play as a single entity against a multitude of people who are allied. That is opposite the spirit of true strategy, and any player who condones that should not be playing this game.
---- "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
24.07.2013 - 13:09
Rather then limiting the number of allies one can have. Why not simply only allow one alliance (and maybe one peace) request per turn. Hence an ally fag can only send one request a turn and by that time he is already fighting. Then the person he is fighting may not want to ally or he may not want to as one of them feels they are winning. This way you have to be very careful who you pick as an ally early in the game. This could give more meaning to alliances and hopefully end Ally fagging. What do you guys think?
---- I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
24.07.2013 - 13:09
Rather then limiting the number of allies one can have. Why not simply only allow one alliance (and maybe one peace) request per turn or maybe even every 2 turns. Hence an ally fag can only send one request a turn and by that time he is already fighting. Then the person he is fighting may not want to ally or he may not want to as one of them feels they are winning. This way you have to be very careful who you pick as an ally early in the game. This could give more meaning to alliances and hopefully end Ally fagging. What do you guys think?
---- I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
24.07.2013 - 14:20
Ally end would be catastrophic which would tend people not to play long games. Shorter game time equates to more leavers and more dependent on opening moves.
24.07.2013 - 18:03
You don't earn much SP allying everyone, which seems like a major drawback to me. So the principal benefit of allyfagging seems to be increasing your win count. Maybe allied wins could be counted for less or counted separately from solo wins.
25.07.2013 - 03:58
I don't see how you're getting that. If the players have already agreed to an ally end then it shouldn't be a problem. It wouldn't take no longer then it does now. There is an end turn button after all SO this argument is invalid when it comes to ally ending. I would go a step further and say that when ending an alliance you have to wait 2 turns while at peace before declareing war. That along with the limit of one alliance and one peace request per turn (or 2) would give diplomacy alittle more meaning in this game. It would make you actually put thought into allies and really cut back on back stabbing and ally fagging.
---- I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
26.07.2013 - 12:45
Maybe increase the rewards for winning the game alone with out making peace or allying. but that might make people betray more.
4r3 y0u sur3?