‹‹ B4ck t0 Bugs
G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 8   V1s1t3d by: 39 users
06.07.2015 - 19:28
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
You can see in this image that I sent a bomber from Czech to the London wall but it is shown as a faint line, indicating that the bomber was TB'd and you can see that it remains in Czech. You can also see that no units hit Czech for any TB to occur. The bomber did only just reach with zooming out a little. I tried again the second turn and the same thing happened again even when Czech was walled (as you can see in the image I walled it).

I also witnessed the disappearing bug where my naval transport had disappeared, though I have no SS of this. Basically what happened was I merged from gothenburg to denmark and in a transport put them into a transport outside hamburg(spawned from hamburg) and moved it towards UK. Then GK(yellow player) actually tb'd gothenburg on that turn so no units went to UK but I was missing a transport.
07.07.2015 - 05:57
 Heat Check (M0d)
Yeah I've had the same problem on several occasions and it's really annoying as a wf is one of your most important moves.

07.07.2015 - 08:06
 Eagle (M0d)
This happens a lot.
Also I am 100% sure that there is a bug that allows a player to tb 1 stack with no limit of units with 1 bomb or inf. Yesterday my first move from odessa to kiev 34 inf and gen was tbed by 1 bomber, which is in my opinion impossible.
08.07.2015 - 20:29
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Happent to me 2 times in 1 cw
15.07.2015 - 20:44
Wr1tt3n by Eagle, 07.07.2015 at 08:06

This happens a lot.
Also I am 100% sure that there is a bug that allows a player to tb 1 stack with no limit of units with 1 bomb or inf. Yesterday my first move from odessa to kiev 34 inf and gen was tbed by 1 bomber, which is in my opinion impossible.

I've seen that happen a lot, i don't think bug but rather luck tbh. Ive tbed numerous stacks with 1 bomber. I mean, I've seen it work more when like in turkey; Istanbul is at 0, ill send 1 bomber there, and 2 trans with 30inf will be stuck there. Same with other port cities

13.08.2015 - 05:55
Wr1tt3n by Heat Check, 07.07.2015 at 05:57

Yeah I've had the same problem on several occasions and it's really annoying as a wf is one of your most important moves.

13.08.2015 - 14:23
No guys its skillz...
13.08.2015 - 15:27
Wr1tt3n by Goblin, 13.08.2015 at 14:23

No guys its skillz...

Adapt guys, adapt...

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