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G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 3   V1s1t3d by: 20 users
10.10.2015 - 04:59
Just had a peek at the FAQ as a new player coming in. I'm aware that the game is now based in HTML5, while silverlight has been left in the dust. FAQ still explains why silverlight was used and that the HTML5 version is being worked on, that is all.


Don't have time to go through all of FAQ, nor the knowledge of the game to likely pick up on any more potentially outdated info.
10.10.2015 - 05:06
HTML recently came out, but nice report.
10.10.2015 - 15:29
 Ivan (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by SirChristoffee, 10.10.2015 at 04:59

Just had a peek at the FAQ as a new player coming in. I'm aware that the game is now based in HTML5, while silverlight has been left in the dust. FAQ still explains why silverlight was used and that the HTML5 version is being worked on, that is all.


Don't have time to go through all of FAQ, nor the knowledge of the game to likely pick up on any more potentially outdated info.

I'll try to go through the FAQ next week and change everything. Never got the chance to do it earlier, with the HTML5 release and all.

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