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P0sts: 3   V1s1t3d by: 21 users
19.10.2015 - 17:01
I just played Ancient world game with my friends, we had fun and 1 more turn till end server crushes or somethin' like that I really don't know,data base problem we get something like that and we refresh, we check our game history we don't see that game there, and guess what? We played for almost 3 horus and 4-6k sp between us is lost.

Now I pm mod Amok I think and he says server didn't crashed he will investigate(probably not spelld good),I writed him detals about game but I saw player is offline but in mod category he was online,I refreshed page and It won't load again, and I try one last time, it loads and I get this http://prntscr.com/8t4qaj ,

I'm here to ask is any refound in SP posible for me and my friends,also we would like to look stats of that last game, if you can find it in database, thank you and take care.
21.10.2015 - 10:55
Wr1tt3n by hazim1998, 19.10.2015 at 17:01

Unfortunately, you will probably not get that SP back. I advise you to PM the Admins. If they sympathize with you, then you may receive some recompense... But you have to PM them, otherwise expect nothing.
22.10.2015 - 14:45
Thanks Chrome you really helped.

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