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26.03.2016 - 22:30
Hello folks,

As we all know, there are games where the host requires that a player be a certain rank to play as a specific "player(s)" (faction/s) in a scenario, which requires the host to repeat him/herself. A solution to this would be to give the host the option to set a range of ranks that can play a specific "player." That way, when a human player joins, he/she will know which "player" (faction) is available to him/her, rather than having to wait for the host (which hosts aren't 100% responsive) to repeat or risk getting ejected from the game by the host. This would also prevent experienced players from playing the smaller "players" (factions) in a scenario, since currently, I have never seen or heard of a host tell players that, for example, Romania is for the lesser experienced, often resulting in a longer wait time for a high-ranking player to fill in, for example, Germany (WWII scenario has been my example).
I think this would definitely decrease waiting times for game initiation.

A clearer example:
In a World War II scenario game, a host would be able to limit Romania to rank 1 to 6, while limiting Germany at rank 7+.

It might also be a good idea to allow adjustments to be made in-game during the scenario "player"/side selection phase, or some function where if a player that does not meet the rank criteria initially set for a "player"/faction, then the host will receive some sort of prompt that says, "Allow this player/person to play as '["player"]/faction (rank x-x)'?"
27.03.2016 - 05:55
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Want me to read all this..
27.03.2016 - 07:00
I don't play scenarios, but this sounds like a good idea to decrease the fail ratio for these games.

HOWEVER, I would like Amok to finish map editor first.
30.03.2016 - 14:46
There's an issue with this. There are some low ranks that are known to be good players and who are accepted as major factions.
Someone Better Than You
30.03.2016 - 19:30
Wr1tt3n by Zephyrusu, 30.03.2016 at 14:46

There's an issue with this. There are some low ranks that are known to be good players and who are accepted as major factions.

This has already been addressed.

Wr1tt3n by Sinjid, 26.03.2016 at 22:30

It might also be a good idea to allow adjustments to be made in-game during the scenario "player"/side selection phase, or some function where if a player that does not meet the rank criteria initially set for a "player"/faction, then the host will receive some sort of prompt that says, "Allow this player/person to play as '["player"]/faction (rank x-x)'?"
30.06.2016 - 02:06
Since I've been away for a while, I haven't checked up on this thread.
30.06.2016 - 04:52
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
All you need is a good host. Rank doesn't matter.

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