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P0sts: 32   V1s1t3d by: 83 users

0r1g1n4l p0st

P0st3d by Guest14502, 18.04.2012 - 17:31
In light of many recent questions, I am hosting an ask me (almost) anything about moderating thread. Please post if you have any general questions about moderating.

Please don't post if you are not asking a question, asking a non-serious question, a non-AW question, or asking about your specific circumstances. If you ignore my polite request you risk losing your posting privileges.
18.04.2012 - 23:12
Wr1tt3n by Deray YG, 18.04.2012 at 21:59

Sorry for going a bit off topic but may I ask what is Reddit?

Crudely speaking sort of a news/social website/forum/discussion site. Its cool.
18.04.2012 - 23:20
Wr1tt3n by notserral, 18.04.2012 at 22:39

Wr1tt3n by Deray YG, 18.04.2012 at 21:59

Sorry for going a bit off topic but may I ask what is Reddit?


I like stuff.... Yay?
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