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13.04.2018 - 18:15
Hey yall, nothing major but I can't figure out how to unlock certain units after a certain turn whilst making scenario maps, or how to unlock a city after a certain turn. I'm not even certain if it's even possible but if it is please say so and describe how it's done, thanks in advance
13.04.2018 - 23:55
Wr1tt3n by Mr Cameroonie, 13.04.2018 at 18:15

Hey yall, nothing major but I can't figure out how to unlock certain units after a certain turn whilst making scenario maps, or how to unlock a city after a certain turn. I'm not even certain if it's even possible but if it is please say so and describe how it's done, thanks in advance

You can't unlock a city after a certain turn, to unlock certain units at a certain turn requires it to be done in the map editor and not the scenario editor/
15.04.2018 - 15:53
Sweet thanks man :p
16.04.2018 - 20:33
Wr1tt3n by Mr Cameroonie, 13.04.2018 at 18:15

Hey yall, nothing major but I can't figure out how to unlock certain units after a certain turn whilst making scenario maps, or how to unlock a city after a certain turn. I'm not even certain if it's even possible but if it is please say so and describe how it's done, thanks in advance

To give a neutral city to a faction, you need to do it in the scenario editor as an event. All you need is to put 1 of any unit of that faction in the city. It doesn't seem to let you do it to capitals but I know some maps that do it somehow.
17.04.2018 - 13:07
Wr1tt3n by RealZaes, 16.04.2018 at 20:33

Wr1tt3n by Mr Cameroonie, 13.04.2018 at 18:15

Hey yall, nothing major but I can't figure out how to unlock certain units after a certain turn whilst making scenario maps, or how to unlock a city after a certain turn. I'm not even certain if it's even possible but if it is please say so and describe how it's done, thanks in advance

To give a neutral city to a faction, you need to do it in the scenario editor as an event. All you need is to put 1 of any unit of that faction in the city. It doesn't seem to let you do it to capitals but I know some maps that do it somehow.

Cheers mate I'll give it a try much appreciated

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