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21.07.2018 - 17:26
Nerf/buff certain strats. old cwers are becoming bored from same stuff every game/cw/duel

i fear cws will be a thing of the past if nothing is to be done.
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

21.07.2018 - 17:53
Yeah nerf ds and give me new strats
22.07.2018 - 07:02
The redicilous state of LB makes half of strategies completley irrelevant most of the times. at least nerf the tanks so we would have LB and GC as contrary strategies

22.07.2018 - 13:47
CW scene is pretty much dead anyways.
22.07.2018 - 14:30
Competitive scene dead, better to change strategies according to scenarios where there is a higher and more active player base.
22.07.2018 - 15:52
Yes, we need to make the cw great again! nerf lb ds gw and buff things like blitz ra gc.
It was not a priority for the game but since ww2 killed the rest of games, maybe it is.
22.07.2018 - 18:53
Wr1tt3n by lsilorien, 22.07.2018 at 14:30

Competitive scene dead, better to change strategies according to scenarios where there is a higher and more active player base.

With literally 1000s of maps all with different metas, how do you propose that would be done? Many scenarios are unaffected by certain strategies. The game and it's strats were developed around the default map and its' units. What your suggesting is impossible.

The competitive scene is dead guys. Cws will decline and so will duels. We've no updates and no longer any strat changes to shake up the meta. Ivan and amok are inactive and clovis doesnt care about us. That ignored 36 upvote strat change thread speaks for itself. Then we have this.

Wr1tt3n by clovis1122, 25.10.2017 at 21:43

Both opi and I second this.

As for the competitive scene, it has got weaken. Still not dead though. Die faster please!

Wr1tt3n by clovis1122, 09.05.2017 at 22:48

Nice lie.

What kind of Clan War Rant is this. Let it die faster please.

It was fun while it lasted guys.
23.07.2018 - 01:08
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
RIP atwar.

I wish senator ted cruz will buy this game and transform it.
23.07.2018 - 01:24
Wr1tt3n by lsilorien, 22.07.2018 at 14:30

Competitive scene dead, better to change strategies according to scenarios where there is a higher and more active player base.

u know the problem with scenarios is map makers dont give much freedom of choosing different strats

like if u see ww1 its mostly imp there arent many strat that are viable. its not the strats fault its the mapmakers fault.
23.07.2018 - 10:32
Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 22.07.2018 at 18:53

It was fun while it lasted guys.

Not gonna say I didn't say this would happen.
23.07.2018 - 12:21
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 23.07.2018 at 10:32

Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 22.07.2018 at 18:53

It was fun while it lasted guys.

Not gonna say I didn't say this would happen.

idk why you're "i told you so"ing me. It's not like those of us who've stayed around held any delusions. After the html transition and the repeated delay of the mapmaker it became obvious where this game was heading. It s not the game that we are still here for anyway.
23.07.2018 - 12:55
Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 22.07.2018 at 18:53

The competitive scene is dead guys. Cws will decline and so will duels.

Wr1tt3n by clovis1122, 25.10.2017 at 21:43

Wr1tt3n by clovis1122, 09.05.2017 at 22:48

i suck at quoting someone hopefully i did this right.
But i feel summer time is slowest time of the year just like past summers. Probably will pick up later maybe i hope idk. Its hella dead right now tho so idk.
23.07.2018 - 20:56
Competitive scene is dying because of no new players and bad community.It isnt fun playing same 5-8 ppl every day.
23.07.2018 - 22:19
No real changes = Decline.
09.08.2018 - 22:44
Wr1tt3n by 4nic, 21.07.2018 at 17:26

Nerf/buff certain strats. old cwers are becoming bored from same stuff every game/cw/duel

i fear cws will be a thing of the past if nothing is to be done.


even if its bad just change the numbers until something that we can try comes out


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