10.05.2019 - 00:42
So I know this bloke I haven't seen in awhile in Adelaide and I invited Trystane to visit and we both flew there for a week to live and shit It was fucking cold as shit hey, we found some kangeroos in a field and we chased them like Witch Doctor chases duels smoked a bunch of ganjaaa and harrassed aborigionals in the city, fuck oath He caught one too hey we didn't know what to do with it and it was fucking going mental and moaning and It shit on his shirt a bit we didn't have any money so we slept in a car and there was kangeroo shit everywhere and then we went to the old school I used to break into and pissed all over the campus and we both had 100 matches on tinder each but they knew we just wanted to bang so it was really shit then I messaged this random girl from highschool to see if I can get laid but nah I saw her in the airport 2 days later it shit hey We basically met up and both talked about how much we hate Sean Spicer oh yeah and I drovr Trystane 300kms into the bush and we met this guy I know but he's a meth head and he asked us to drive him 170kms to get maccas but I told him to fuck off fuck sean spicer
10.05.2019 - 02:15
Tell them how you crashed for thirteen hours and neglected giving love to a perfectly fine pizza
10.05.2019 - 03:17
yeah bloody rip one cone and died for a day
4r3 y0u sur3?