G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 2   V1s1t3d by: 52 users


What NORMALLY happens in this case:

Game is tied. Rematch is offered
Win for team whose moves went through.
Something else (post below)

T0t4l v0t3s: 29
18.10.2019 - 17:34
 brianwl (4dm1n)
I've been asked to decide on a cw that may have been prematurely deleted because of a presumption, and want opinion of people who actually CW.

What happened:

1) 2v2 CW, first turn , 3 players moves go through, one player d/cs. {No problems, all players have solid expansions except the d/c'd player}
2) The d/c'd player never returns to make a move, and his teammate leaves t2 making no further moves.
3) Rematch is offer.

Because i don't CW - is there ever a time the CW is not deleted?

{Plz no specifics or comments, you can message me privately if you need to... this isn't to create drama, just answer the poll- all other comments WILL BE DELETED wtihout notice.}

18.10.2019 - 17:56
 brianwl (4dm1n)
Thanks for voting all - i have my answer.

(p.s. the player who voted 'no' thought i was asking what the game would decide, so even the dissenting vote agreed the CW should be tied.)


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