G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
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25.02.2021 - 11:16
Https://prnt.sc/106tmkx Why did I get protos removed from my account, I worked hard for them

Thank god I spent my protos already on promotion and maps.
25.02.2021 - 11:33
>spending pcs on promoting games
25.02.2021 - 11:39
Dummy you probably donated them to some turney before some time. I got some removed too must be from turney that just got completed.
25.02.2021 - 11:56
Wr1tt3n by woojoo, 25.02.2021 at 11:16

Https://prnt.sc/106tmkx Why did I get protos removed from my account, I worked hard for them

You donated your ProtoCoins for Warhammer Tournament ( https://hr.atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=46400&topicsearch=&page=1 ) :

Next time before you moan on Global channel, Room channel and General forum about removal of your 68 ProtoCoins, remind yourself what you promised to donate.
In this case you 'donated' 100 ProtoCoins, but you decided to spend them in the meantime.

Wr1tt3n by woojoo, 25.02.2021 at 11:16

Thank god I spent my protos already on promotion and maps.

No, thank Dave he didn't put you in minus with Protos for being that selfish. Locked

25.02.2021 - 19:10
 Dave (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by Croat, 25.02.2021 at 11:56

Wr1tt3n by woojoo, 25.02.2021 at 11:16

Https://prnt.sc/106tmkx Why did I get protos removed from my account, I worked hard for them

You donated your ProtoCoins for Warhammer Tournament ( https://hr.atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=46400&topicsearch=&page=1 ) :

Next time before you moan on Global channel, Room channel and General forum about removal of your 68 ProtoCoins, remind yourself what you promised to donate.
In this case you 'donated' 100 ProtoCoins, but you decided to spend them in the meantime.

Wr1tt3n by woojoo, 25.02.2021 at 11:16

Thank god I spent my protos already on promotion and maps.

No, thank Dave he didn't put you in minus with Protos for being that selfish. Locked

^^ exactly what Croat said.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu


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