G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
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04.08.2012 - 22:38

Now that DS was unexpectedly nerfed, without any news or thread it definitely needs that marine capacity. DS wasn't even close from being OP, it was actually pretty weak. And now that the helicopters are only +2 vs infantry it's even weaker. I'm very disappointed that a nerf went through without any thread or news.

Desert Storm as it is

DS is a strategy that thrives on stunning the defense of the enemy with strong and relentless helicopter attacks along with a decent infantry-based defense. Helicopters aren't at all like the SM bombers. Helicopters have less range therefore they're best mean't for short distance infantry assaults against the enemy, while you get the medium range zones with infantry in transports and the longer range areas with air transports. Consequently, DS's biggest weakness is attaining the long range areas, since air transports are expensive and DS doesn't have any strong land units. What made DS unique was its mighty strength against infantry in a limited zone. Now that DS helicopters aren't as effective against infantry and militia, it weakened the only strength DS had and derailed the neutral stats completely. Previously, DS was great for quickly expanding against infantry neutrals. For instance, before the nerf 3 helicopters and 1 infantry could beat 4 neutral infantry with ease. Now its only about a 60% chance of success. Same goes with other neutral statistics, now players have to add 1 or 2 extra helicopters to attack cities. (+130 cost per city)

Possible boosts

1) Give DS its previous stats and add the +1 capacity for marines

2) Keep DS as it is now except make the marine capacity for helicopters +3, making it a more "rangeful" strategy.

3) Don't give any infantry/militia buffs to helicopters but give them a +5 capacity for marines.

Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
04.08.2012 - 22:46
Previous stats would be ok, I don't see why it was nerfed in the first place. It was honestly pretty balanced before (would beat people who used DS all the time)
Wr1tt3n by Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Wr1tt3n by tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

04.08.2012 - 22:50
Wr1tt3n by Fruit, 04.08.2012 at 22:46

I don't see why it was nerfed in the first place.

I'm concerned that a certain group of players have been the ones deciding these sudden changes without the consent of the community
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
04.08.2012 - 22:51
Sorry, but what were the original stats?
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
04.08.2012 - 22:52
Wr1tt3n by Gking19, 04.08.2012 at 22:51

Sorry, but what were the original stats?

- infantry were -3 defense vs helicopters now it's -2
- militia were -2 defence vs helicopters now it's -1
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
04.08.2012 - 22:55
Wr1tt3n by tophat, 04.08.2012 at 22:50

I'm concerned that a certain group of players have been the ones deciding these sudden changes without the consent of the community

this describes Afterwind
Wr1tt3n by Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Wr1tt3n by tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

04.08.2012 - 23:01
I'd say give DS the original stats and +3 marine capacity.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
05.08.2012 - 05:40
Nah just allow Helicopters to conquer, have a lot of sense, helicopters can stop everywhere.
High prize of helicopter = High power.
I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

"I... Feel a little dead inside"
05.08.2012 - 05:42
This thread is disturbing me and giving a wrong view to other players. I would like to rectify a few things:

1) First of all: DS is not nerfed; The bonus that you got from DS:
-cheaper and stronger helicopters,
-cheaper marines with better range.
Both things are not changed!

2) Helicopters are not nerfed against Militia, it is exactly like before.

3) The thing that did change: Helicopters are nerfed against Infantry. They had a bonus of +3 against infantry, witch is now +2. I think this is greatly exaggerated in this topic and some even claim there have been more nerfs of DS, witch is not true.

Imo: DS can still be very strong, and i'm sure any GC player will lose against it. With that said; i really like the upgrade with the +1 marine capacity and i already said i supported this. I think we should add this to DS (or helicopters only) and leave the rest the way it is, to prevent its getting it OP. I agree with option 1, without restoring of the old bonussus against infantry.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
05.08.2012 - 05:44
Wr1tt3n by tophat, 04.08.2012 at 22:52

- militia were -2 defence vs helicopters now it's -1

It was always -1.

DS with marine capacity will be ok, it was a bit OP before simply because all other strats have been nerfed. Also, I think GC should lose it's HP bonus because of the same reason. (And I am saying that even though I play GC whenever I can and it's my favorite strategy).

Wr1tt3n by tophat, 04.08.2012 at 22:50

I'm concerned that a certain group of players have been the ones deciding these sudden changes without the consent of the community

Wr1tt3n by Fruit, 04.08.2012 at 22:55

this describes Afterwind

Also, this is one very ungrateful and false thing to say since everyone is doing his best to help the game and not to benefit individuals as some of you think. Also, the change on DS wasn't as big as you're trying to make it big.
And if there is one game where admins really listen to the community, then this is that game.
05.08.2012 - 05:48
Wr1tt3n by tophat, 04.08.2012 at 22:52

Wr1tt3n by Gking19, 04.08.2012 at 22:51

Sorry, but what were the original stats?

- infantry were -3 defense vs helicopters now it's -2
- militia were -2 defence vs helicopters now it's -1

heheheheh funny tophats sameone beat you with ds in duels now you like to make ds more weak
i like ds i like helicopters to can bring marines or meybe add new units transport helicopters with low price like sky menage
air transport
05.08.2012 - 10:28
Wr1tt3n by avatar, 05.08.2012 at 05:48

Wr1tt3n by tophat, 04.08.2012 at 22:52

Wr1tt3n by Gking19, 04.08.2012 at 22:51

Sorry, but what were the original stats?

- infantry were -3 defense vs helicopters now it's -2
- militia were -2 defence vs helicopters now it's -1

heheheheh funny tophats sameone beat you with ds in duels now you like to make ds more weak
i like ds i like helicopters to can bring marines or meybe add new units transport helicopters with low price like sky menage
air transport

I'm sorry? I think she is trying to make it stronger...
05.08.2012 - 11:51
Wr1tt3n by avatar, 05.08.2012 at 05:48

Wr1tt3n by tophat, 04.08.2012 at 22:52

Wr1tt3n by Gking19, 04.08.2012 at 22:51

Sorry, but what were the original stats?

- infantry were -3 defense vs helicopters now it's -2
- militia were -2 defence vs helicopters now it's -1

heheheheh funny tophats sameone beat you with ds in duels now you like to make ds more weak
i like ds i like helicopters to can bring marines or meybe add new units transport helicopters with low price like sky menage
air transport

lol no avatar, i was stating the previous stats of DS to GKing. Im trying to give a boost to DS not nerf it.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
05.08.2012 - 11:56
Nothing is exaggerated here. I mentioned two nerfs.

1) militia were originally -2 and was suddenly changed to -1 soon after DS came out. No thread or news.

2) And a fews days ago infantry went from -3 to -2. The point is that DS was nowhere near from needing a nerf and two of them were given without the consent of the community.

Other than that, this thread is to add versatility and a unique sense to the strategy and to discuss if a boosts is needed. It's surely not disturbing, people are stating their opinions.

Also, Hugosch, the boosts you stated were given because DS was extremely underpowered when it came out.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
05.08.2012 - 12:31
 Acquiesce (M0d)
Give helis +1 marine capacity. Leave everything else the way it is.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
05.08.2012 - 13:34
I still think that the helicopters should get the +3 marine capacity, and if everything else was left the way it is I think it'd be fine.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
05.08.2012 - 14:20
No marine capacity not necessary, just make they able to conquer!
I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

"I... Feel a little dead inside"
05.08.2012 - 16:02
 Acquiesce (M0d)
Wr1tt3n by Gking19, 05.08.2012 at 13:34

I still think that the helicopters should get the +3 marine capacity, and if everything else was left the way it is I think it'd be fine.

+3 marine capacity is an awful idea. 5 helis having 15 marines?
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
05.08.2012 - 16:13
Wr1tt3n by tophat, 05.08.2012 at 11:56
The point is that DS was nowhere near from needing a nerf and two of them were given without the consent of the community.

Sorry, but that post was really prepotent. Are you implying the devs need your approval on every single change they make in the game? This is non-sense.

Apart from that, I agree that DS didn't need any nerfs. But it would be better to give 1 marine cap on helicopters to make it more unique in my opinion.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
05.08.2012 - 16:18
+1 cap for inf/militia or Marines to take cities sounds good, more (+3) would make air transports useless and DS would be to strong (in my opinion)
05.08.2012 - 16:46
Wr1tt3n by Acquiesce, 05.08.2012 at 16:02

Wr1tt3n by Gking19, 05.08.2012 at 13:34

I still think that the helicopters should get the +3 marine capacity, and if everything else was left the way it is I think it'd be fine.

+3 marine capacity is an awful idea. 5 helis having 15 marines?

Ok when you put it that way, 1 sounds better. I didn't think about flying submarines. :u
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
05.08.2012 - 19:25
Wr1tt3n by Pinheiro, 05.08.2012 at 16:13

Wr1tt3n by tophat, 05.08.2012 at 11:56
The point is that DS was nowhere near from needing a nerf and two of them were given without the consent of the community.

Sorry, but that post was really prepotent. Are you implying the devs need your approval on every single change they make in the game? This is non-sense.

Apart from that, I agree that DS didn't need any nerfs. But it would be better to give 1 marine cap on helicopters to make it more unique in my opinion.

I never said that it needed my approval, i said the one of the community. Even at that, of course the devs can change what they think is best over any opinion of players. But when 1 or 2 players decide for themselves that a strategy needs a nerf for their own preference, that's where it's not fair for the community.

Aside from that, I agree with you that DS needs a marine capacity to add versatility to the strategy.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
05.08.2012 - 19:39
"And if there is one game where admins really listen to the community, then this is that game."

Well.... off topic, but that game is Eve.
05.08.2012 - 19:39
-3 defence for infantry was needed, now it's expansion won't be as great and it will get weaker sooner haha.

the only way i can see anyone playing well as DS is staying away from competition, getting a good expansion and then using only marines from then on in. but that is pointless because MOS and GW both have better marines.

anyway here is what could be done.

1. back to -3 defence for inf but keep militia at -1 for helis

2. as there is an issue with not having the ability to transport your marines as fast as you can your helicopters, so you are limited by your helicopter speed, how about we decrease the price of air transports, to the same price as SM or just -150? this is one of SM's greatest strengths, the abilty to transport troops so cheaply.

(possible)3.remove the -1 defence against bombers, this would make SM bombers have 8 attack against 5 def, making bombers still maul helis, but not quite as much , and would also stop people building bombers (no matter their strat) to counter bombers. the -1 def against stealths should stay though.

sp upgrades

general heli attack
+1 heli range (not general)
06.08.2012 - 19:36
Excellent,we ask for a boost and we get a Nerf. what about a boost in SM?
07.08.2012 - 02:22
Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 06.08.2012 at 19:36

Excellent,we ask for a boost and we get a Nerf. what about a boost in SM?

Pff, a unbelievable comment and typically for this whole topic. Not reading anything, taking wrong assumptions and posting negative stuff. You are not helping AW or its community in any way.

For your information: This topic was made AFTER (not before) there was a nerf on HELICOPTERS.

I also want to remind everyone on this topic, that DS recently (June) has got a enormous boost:
+1 Marines attack
View range from +1 to +2 for both Marines and Helicopters
Helicopters cost -70 (used to be -50)
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.

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