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27.10.2012 - 18:04
Do I just need one premium feature to access Alpha? And is there a specific one (if so)?
27.10.2012 - 18:13
"People with ANY Premium packs are now able to access alpha! Note that in the beta release you will still need a proper pack/subscription."

link for proof

28.10.2012 - 01:39
 Ivan (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by Sinjid, 27.10.2012 at 18:04

Do I just need one premium feature to access Alpha? And is there a specific one (if so)?

Yes, any pack will do.
28.10.2012 - 13:01
Wr1tt3n by Safari, 27.10.2012 at 18:13

"People with ANY Premium packs are now able to access alpha! Note that in the beta release you will still need a proper pack/subscription."

link for proof

So if I were to buy say the scenarios package, could I still access the beta as I would be the Alpha?
28.10.2012 - 14:05
Wr1tt3n by Sinjid, 28.10.2012 at 13:01

Wr1tt3n by Safari, 27.10.2012 at 18:13

"People with ANY Premium packs are now able to access alpha! Note that in the beta release you will still need a proper pack/subscription."

link for proof

So if I were to buy say the scenarios package, could I still access the beta as I would be the Alpha?

yes. you can access the alpha (later the beta) with any subscription --> the scenario package is ok.

28.10.2012 - 16:43
Wr1tt3n by Safari, 28.10.2012 at 14:05

Wr1tt3n by Sinjid, 28.10.2012 at 13:01

Wr1tt3n by Safari, 27.10.2012 at 18:13

"People with ANY Premium packs are now able to access alpha! Note that in the beta release you will still need a proper pack/subscription."

link for proof

So if I were to buy say the scenarios package, could I still access the beta as I would be the Alpha?

yes. you can access the alpha (later the beta) with any subscription --> the scenario package is ok.

28.10.2012 - 17:54
And the short time subscribtions (week/3month) will only work for the time the subscribtion lasts? (i believe it but i hope not ;-) )
28.10.2012 - 18:17
Wr1tt3n by Gorthaur, 28.10.2012 at 17:54

And the short time subscribtions (week/3month) will only work for the time the subscribtion lasts? (i believe it but i hope not ;-) )

yes. if you have a subscribtion for 3 month for example. then you can access the alpha for 3 months. if you want to play then again you need a new subscription


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