‹‹ B4ck t0 Bugs
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02.03.2013 - 10:47
Its not possible anymore to copy text from input fields like the ref link on the main page
or here in the forum.

I know you want to keep the page content unique. but this makes it significantly harder to edit or quote posts in the forum.
02.03.2013 - 13:34
Wr1tt3n by VRIL, 02.03.2013 at 10:47

Its not possible anymore to copy text from input fields like the ref link on the main page
or here in the forum.

I know you want to keep the page content unique. but this makes it significantly harder to edit or quote posts in the forum.

You can actually still copy... just that you are bad at it.
02.03.2013 - 13:56
 Amok (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by VRIL, 02.03.2013 at 10:47

Its not possible anymore to copy text from input fields like the ref link on the main page
or here in the forum.

I know you want to keep the page content unique. but this makes it significantly harder to edit or quote posts in the forum.

That was due to the update to the ShareThis plugin, I've tweaked it a bit, copy should work now.
02.03.2013 - 14:07
Wr1tt3n by VRIL, 02.03.2013 at 10:47

Its not possible anymore to copy text from input fields like the ref link on the main page
or here in the forum.

I know you want to keep the page content unique. but this makes it significantly harder to edit or quote posts in the forum.

... yeah, nothing to do with each other

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