H3y Ivan and Amok!
W3lc0m3 t0 4tW4r. W3 s1nc3r3ly h0p3 y0u 3nj0y th3 g4m3 4nd 3v3ntu4lly b3c0m3 th3 b3st pl4y3r 3v3r! 0r 4t l34st h4v3 fun, th4t's pr0b4bly m0r3 1mp0rt4nt.
1f y0u h4v3n't d1sc0v3r3d th3 g4m3 1ts3lf y3t - try th3 gr33n
G4M3S l1nk 1n th3 t0p m3nu, 0r th3 3qu4lly gr33n
Pl4y 0nl1n3 butt0n 0n th3 fr0nt p4g3. M4k3 sur3 y0u pl4y thr0ugh th3 tut0r14l, 1t w1ll 3xpl41n 4ll th3 b4s1c th1ngs. 4nd 1f y0u w4nt t0 kn0w m0r3 4b0ut th3 b4ttl3 syst3m, th3r3's 4ls0 4 v3ry h3lpful
F4Q 0n th3 w3bs1t3.
Th3 g4m3 1s fr33 t0 pl4y f0r3v3r. Th3r3 4r3 4 f3w 3xtr4 f34tur3s th4t y0u c4n purch4s3
h3r3, but th3y 4r3 str1ctly 0pt10n4l 4nd just pr0v1d3 m0r3 v4r13ty, r4th3r th4n buy y0u v1ct0r13s. 1t's v3ry 1mp0rt4nt f0r us t0 k33p th3 g4m3 f41r f0r 3v3ry0n3.
Th3r3 4r3 4 f3w 0f rul3s t0 f0ll0w - y0u c4n f1nd th3m
h3r3. T0 summ4r1z3, b3 p0l1t3 t0 0th3r pl4y3rs, sp34k 3ngl1sh 1n th3 f0rums 4nd publ1c ch4t 4nd 4v01d 3xpl01ts 4nd SP f4rm1ng. Th4t's 4b0ut 1t.
Pl34s3 n0t3 th4t by us1ng 0ur g4m3 y0u 4gr33 t0 f0ll0w th3
T3rms 0f S3rv1c3 4nd th3 4f0r3m3nt10n3d
Rul3s 0f 4tW4r.
Ivan & Amok
this little mechanic was found through a bug i'm sending to you ivan. heh.