G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
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04.05.2013 - 05:07
How about economic sanctions?

it would work well in games such as UN or other non team based scenarios.

like having an alliance with another player you have the option of choosing to "trade" with them or "sanction" them, if you trade with them your earning would not change, however if you sanction a player both of your incomes would decrease based on GDP, but only a small part such as 5% of your income would be lost.

however sanctions only work by many countries taking part like in the real world, so that is how it would work. when many countries "sanction" 1 country the loss of income would be very big for that single country and that could stop it from attacking and make it very weak and venerable and could be used to kill a rouge country.
08.05.2013 - 09:35
No support, it makes it seem noobish. If you've been stupid enough to allow 1 player to grow stronger than the remaining 5 players combined, that's your own damn fault. You don't need a fucking way to make it more even.
"Bitches ain't shit, but hoes and tricks"
-Mahatma Gandhi
08.05.2013 - 13:09
No support.
08.05.2013 - 14:55
Vladimir Lenin
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
No support at all. This is just for UN, and what is the point?

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