22.02.2016 - 13:45
Has anyone a solution for these 2 guys on the current duel leaderboard? ![]() NOTE: This is not a personal attack on any of these 2 players, just positive wish to defend will and effort of real duelists. There is less than 8 days till new season and how things stay, one of these 2 guys will earn (undeservedly) a trophy. Hope Moderators will have this in mind while hooking a medals, because of various reasons I will mention below. Player, who is currently on the 3rd position, is rank 11. He has 73:0 ratio of wins/loses in duels. You would say 'what a strong duelst' , right? Well, let's look into the things deeper. - He was saw by several players (I can mention all of them) that he is fast-changing victory conditions while starting a duel, especially in Ancient ones. Almost all his duels are won that way. - As mentioned above, he has 73 duels and 73 wins. But, 56 of 73 opponents (almost 80%) are players whose rank is between 2-6. Here we can again speak of rank restrictions for higher ranks in duels (ex. Ranks 8> won't be able to play ranks <5 ) Currently, he has right to do whatever he wants with settings, victory conditions and ranks of his opponents, but what is with, for example, dinoscout (r9) and Prometheus (r8) who are dueling only equal and higher competitive players. Who are real synonime of great young duelists and who are putting much effort to attack first three positions of duel rankings? Until guys like this one ruin their dreams. ![]() Player, who is currently on 4th position, is an alternative rank 5 account. His user is rank 9. He has 67:1 ratio of wins/loses in duels. - As I mentioned, a rank 9 is playing against low ranks 2-5 (only few of duels are rank 6) through that rank 5 account. Also, guy who uses it is clearly admitting he is farming lower ranks for no reason ![]() Do I have to say anything more about this undeservedness? ![]() I am repeating, this is not attack on any of these 2 guys, I just don't want real competitiveness be ruined on above mentioned ways. Thanks and I hope we can find a simply solution for this. Cheers
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22.02.2016 - 13:48
Support, till mods erase ur thread again...
---- Seule la victoire est belle
22.02.2016 - 14:06
22.02.2016 - 14:09
A whole paragraph written, when just only the first SS was enough to make your point. ![]()
22.02.2016 - 14:12
You can't remove someones elo just because they are dueling low ranks. There is no written rule against doing it. As I said in your other post, there is nothing wrong with it.. They can do whatever they want in their duels. Changing victory settings/time etc...
22.02.2016 - 14:14
Who ever said I want removal of their Elo? I want removal of them from the Duel leaderboard, that's all
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22.02.2016 - 14:15
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22.02.2016 - 14:18
That is the same thing. That player earned his elo. and removing him from the elo leaderboard just because he only plays low ranks is unfair to that player.
22.02.2016 - 14:20
If I choose to only duel ranks 6-8, and I get 1400 elo on the leaderboard, will I be removed?
22.02.2016 - 14:20
Leaving that player on the leaderboard regardless of the way he 'earned' or better say stolen that Elo is unfair to every competitive duelist, especially those who are on leaderboard
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22.02.2016 - 14:22
If you choose to duel only ranks 2-6 by changing victory conditions or farming them through your rank 5 alt, yes, you should be removed
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22.02.2016 - 14:23
I like to use my Lightshot, don't blame me ![]()
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22.02.2016 - 14:26
---- "****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull out from him their body parts****" - IHY
22.02.2016 - 14:28
Victory conditions are apart of this game; they are made to be changed. Alts are always going to be used, and if someone wants to play on a second account and duel they can do that. Same goes for Clan wars on a separate account. It has been done so many times, but no fuss has ever been made of it. Once again, these players broke no rules, and are allowed to duel whoever they choose. They gained their elo in a fair manner. Mods have no reason to remove someone from the elo leaderboard just because of who they play. But of course someone like yourself is against this. You have a vested interest in how this shakes up. You want to be apart of the leaderboard, and make sure these people aren't standing in your way. Removing these players would only be an injustice to the atwar community. Play who you wish, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
22.02.2016 - 14:33
Croat you have made me laugh so hard! I'm looking at your duel list right now, and your duels are padded with low ranks, even ranks as low as 3! Bahahhaha. Maybe we should remove your elo, or your chance of getting on the leaderboards, since you have been farming some low ranks.
22.02.2016 - 14:33
Plz make a tl;dr version
---- ![]() [pr] Commando Eagle: duel? [pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush ![]() ![]()
22.02.2016 - 14:37
Changing victory conditions at last second without holding so opponent can prepare or even check conditions is FRAUD. If you so hardly support this way of earning Elo, then let's go duel. I will make a game and change conditions last second and you mustn't check them later (as these newbs are not checking, because they just don't know it is possible). Who wins - his Elo. Deal? As for alts, nobody can remove neither them, neither Elo which player has earned/stoled through them. But they should't be at the leaderboard. They shouldn't compete for the Elo trophies and that's ended story. If you are still against this what I have said, then learn what competitivness means.
Someone like yourself? Yourself in this case means 95% of community who are giving any effort in duelling, especially if they want to end on the leaderboard. And no, I am not fighting for trophies, neither to be on the leaderboard so your sentence how I want to remove them because of myself is 101% irrelevant
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22.02.2016 - 14:38
You misunderstood point of this thread, so please spare me of these low try comments because surely that every competitive player has some lower ranks in their lists adn thats not the case we are talking about
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22.02.2016 - 14:42
You are speaking some weird form of English, I don't understand it. As for your victory conditions comment, i'm assuming you have proof that he has done this to every player he has played against. If not stop right now. And even if he has, that player should of checked to see what the settings of the game were, before and after. I always do this when I join a game, and before it starts.
22.02.2016 - 14:43
Your stats are filled with plenty of low ranks. And to comment on the above SS in your original post, I see nothing more then a mixture of ranks, ranging from r4 to r10. Nothing wrong with that.
22.02.2016 - 14:43
Please don't respond anymore as I have just obliterated your argument.
22.02.2016 - 14:45
W4r is just trolling, or he has no clue what is going on there is 2 different concept at stake here: 1 Farming: dueling less skilled players under fair conditions to grind elo (ie risk reward ratio bad but % chance winning 99%) 2 Exploiting: setting the duel in such a way you are 100% sure of winning this is what both these guys do: set up the duel 50K Eur+, put the victory conditions as capture Greece and hold it 0 turns. Wait for a prey. Once prey come in pıck Turkey if u are first. if he picks turkey kick him. You have absolutely 0 chance of losing.Repeat as many tımes as needed This is not farming, this is an exploit of an otherwise useless feature. That is called cheating. W4r, u REALLY have nothing against that behavior ?
---- Seule la victoire est belle
22.02.2016 - 14:53
Even Cow, who argued fiercely against any limitation on dueling in the end agreed that there should be a rank limitation for when people should be allowed to duel... he proposed rank 6 I agree... but would also like to add that allowed limitations on who can join your duel kinda... takes a piss on this whole "competition" thing.
22.02.2016 - 14:54
You oblitared only your logic. Check everyones duel list, even Me, Clovis, Critical, Innate, Goblin, Soldier, Eagle, etc.. have lower ranks on their duel list. What you have expected that nobody of us ever played against someone lower who joined their duel? Surely we did. But you are still not getting the point. We played regularly those duels, on our main accounts without changing victory condition or any kind of fraud to naive lower ranks (1,2,3,4,5 or even 6 and 7 ) + showing respect by holding so opponent can prepare himself and even check conditions again, also wishing him a good luck as every regular competitive player does. Stop looking on the things like a horse with binding over his eyes so he sees only what is in front of him and who can't extend the spectre of his views. These players earned that Elo on that way with that success, but they don't deserve a medal for it. Medal for frauding and farming can be accepted by your wrong logic, not by rest of community
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22.02.2016 - 14:54
Perhaps his intention is to steal elo that way. Or perhaps his intention is to play a different variation of the game. If a player joins and doesn't read the settings of the game, then it is that players fault for losing the game. --------------------------------- A player can duel less skilled players all he wants. There is no rule against this, and I doubt there ever will be. --------- I have nothing against a player playing against a low rank player. whether it be duels clan wars or any type of scenario. I also have nothing against a player changing the victory settings in his own game. Those settings are made to be changed to add variation to the standard map. If anything I put blame on the Admins/Moderators for not making the game settings known to all new players. Quick fix to this solution, make it known to the community that this can be done.
22.02.2016 - 14:56
If admins want to place a rank limit on when a player should be allowed to start dueling, I wouldn't have anyting against it. But for the current situation, anyone should be able to play whoever they would like. Rank shouldn't be a factor.
22.02.2016 - 14:59
I still see no proof, only conjecture.. It's not 'fraud' as you put it to change the victory conditions in a game. That player as every right to do so, even if he is dueling high or low ranks. Changing victory conditions is part of the game. These players should know to check the settings. If the game has started before you get a chance to do so, you check whilst your opponent is picking. If you don't agree with the hosts settings, you either have the choice to stay and fight, or leave..
22.02.2016 - 14:59
My God... No one is against higher ranks playing lower ranks and taking their elo, we are talking about very cruel ways on which it was earned and by which players gone to earn a medal. It is like doping in sports.
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22.02.2016 - 15:01
And yes, I bet that every high rank on this game has duels vs a low rank. But you took on a low rank player knowing his skill level, and took his elo anyway. That is nothing different then what you are saying.
22.02.2016 - 15:01
I have expressed my views on both points you are trying to make, scroll up and read
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