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31.05.2016 - 04:23
I posted this in the heart of atwar but, not everyone will see it that way, and I do believe this would be the perfect way to fix aw. It would bring balance to the force which we need terribly.

I just don't know what to say anymore, this is a war game, if a game wants to be successful on the basis of conflict it needs to be competitive first, and fun and full of content second. AtWar has all the neccassary pieces to the equation but in the wrong spots. Like I said the game should be developed around a competitive scene first, but not around eu+ 10k 3v3, it should be duels, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 even on a variety of diferent maps spacificaly built with compition in mind, and these should be the maps that award sp for your hard work.

Now what if you don't want to be as serious? That's fine aswell go ahead and play an rp, or a fantasy scenario, but in no way should these award sp, they are not serious and most are extremly unbalanced and now we have a terrible skill gap and massive rank inflation. Furthermore they are fixing this now, but it's way over due, we need a massive overhaul to the tutorial, aswell it should be mandatory, numerous times through out the day I have to teach people in help lobby how to move, ally,and even surrender from a game, and thats not even things I should have to teach, walling, ethics such as turn one wall fucks, sp farming and ally fagging are all things that should be addressed in the tutorial.

This game has a serious case of missing identity and it needs to be adressed, my above suggestion would cause a few scenario players alot of grief but in the end we would have a much healthier and stable community if sp was something you worked for in a game of strategy instead of in a 50k with 10 allies gang banging romania.

Lastly I should also note the importance of a healthy map creating community, and how there roll is vital in keeping the game from stagnating all together. I'd touch more on this but that's all iv been doing for 2 months and no one seems to care. But for god sake this is the most important thing of all, if you want fucking change you have to compromise, you all fight each other like rabbid dogs in search of total victory for you little cliques. When in reality every single group on aw is contributing to the problem in there own way. Your all toxic and only you can change that no one else. This game lives or dies on the decisions we make now. I advise you to support something similar to what I suggested above. It's the best way I can come up with to bring balance to the community.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
31.05.2016 - 04:52
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 31.05.2016 at 04:23

I advise you to support something similar to what I suggested above. It's the best way I can come up with to bring balance to the community.

I knew it! you're the avatar , you're the last airbender that survive when firelord sozin destroy the air nomads !
31.05.2016 - 12:42
No one has anything to say? No hate no support, no nothing? Can any of you honestly say your content with this mess? So many people make diferent threads trying to have serious change brought about to the game, yet no one has anything to say when I bring something extremly viable to the table damn.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
31.05.2016 - 13:12
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 31.05.2016 at 12:42

No one has anything to say? No hate no support, no nothing? Can any of you honestly say your content with this mess? So many people make diferent threads trying to have serious change brought about to the game, yet no one has anything to say when I bring something extremly viable to the table damn.

I totally support you, so, as a member of the mapmaking community, i was thinking on establish "standards" (like industry) to define what kind of map is ballanced and what no. For example, for many guys WWI map is ballanced and other guys thinks is unballanced.

An idea i have for balance completly custom maps its:

All major cities (caps) with a standariced income and reinf (example, 8 and 85 income)

one minor city with 6 reinfs and an income of 75% the ammount of cap (maybe 60-65)

a last minor city with only 3 reinf and 10 or 12 income.

this could let balanced all of the custom maps i know, so well, let's see what other mapmakers have to write about this.
31.05.2016 - 16:42
Wr1tt3n by Weisser Wolf, 31.05.2016 at 13:12

Wr1tt3n by Helly, 31.05.2016 at 12:42

No one has anything to say? No hate no support, no nothing? Can any of you honestly say your content with this mess? So many people make diferent threads trying to have serious change brought about to the game, yet no one has anything to say when I bring something extremly viable to the table damn.

I totally support you, so, as a member of the mapmaking community, i was thinking on establish "standards" (like industry) to define what kind of map is ballanced and what no. For example, for many guys WWI map is ballanced and other guys thinks is unballanced.

An idea i have for balance completly custom maps its:

All major cities (caps) with a standariced income and reinf (example, 8 and 85 income)

one minor city with 6 reinfs and an income of 75% the ammount of cap (maybe 60-65)

a last minor city with only 3 reinf and 10 or 12 income.

this could let balanced all of the custom maps i know, so well, let's see what other mapmakers have to write about this.

those are imaginary restrictions that benefit no one.
31.05.2016 - 16:53
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 31.05.2016 at 12:42

No one has anything to say? No hate no support, no nothing? Can any of you honestly say your content with this mess? So many people make diferent threads trying to have serious change brought about to the game, yet no one has anything to say when I bring something extremly viable to the table damn.

Hell, you know we go back. However If you polld the community, the truth is 80 percent arent content at our current state. However it does not mean we give up or stop playing a game that has impacted our lives, be it positive or negative. We can't rush the admins, regardless if we were promised something. We play this game I think more then just the actual games we play. We play to socialize, we play to meet new people across the world. This game is a great way to bring people together on all stages of walks of life. And I am sure helly, that you met a couple people on here who have impacted your personal life. So we must not bypass all the good this game still brings, but actually thank it for all that it's done. The only thing we can do as a community is sit back and wait and not get agitated over certain things. Let's appreciate what we have infront of us, and appreciate Ivan and Amok keeping this game open to us 24/7.
It's not the end.

01.06.2016 - 04:31
I agree that maps should pass a test to determine if they should give SP or not but that regulation shouldn't be too extreme, only complete cancers like RP or WW1 should give no SP.
Someone Better Than You
01.06.2016 - 12:27
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 01.06.2016 at 00:00

I laughed when you said "healthy community" atwar has the most toxic community in any game I have ever seen, Atwar's map making scene is filled with wannabeNazi's and just general racists. The competitive scene is just filled with no life players who think they're some what cooler than everyone else cause they can play this game 20 hours a day while the rest of us have to go to work, univeristy, school... etc. So there's barely a chance for newcomers to come into that while constantly being abused by the current "Pro" players. Thankfully most of the abusive mods have since resigned but that was their choice and were not demoted by the admins which really shows how much they care about the player base. So yes a healthy community would be nice but we are no where near that haha.

Can I marry you?

Wr1tt3n by Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
01.06.2016 - 12:45
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 01.06.2016 at 00:00

I laughed when you said "healthy community" atwar has the most toxic community in any game I have ever seen, Atwar's map making scene is filled with wannabeNazi's and just general racists. The competitive scene is just filled with no life players who think they're some what cooler than everyone else cause they can play this game 20 hours a day while the rest of us have to go to work, univeristy, school... etc. So there's barely a chance for newcomers to come into that while constantly being abused by the current "Pro" players. Thankfully most of the abusive mods have since resigned but that was their choice and were not demoted by the admins which really shows how much they care about the player base. So yes a healthy community would be nice but we are no where near that haha.

I've played in 3 different game communities and theyve all been the exact same as this. They've even had players like you saying the exact samething about those communities. The only difference here is an almost non existent female presence, not that that would help much.
02.06.2016 - 12:21
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Already suggested... the simple fix is to make mods review custom maps and scenarios, like if 3 mods agree the map is okay to be played, it's automatically published, and if they don't agree they can PM mapmaker and tell him what's wrong. Cancerous maps shouldn't be on low SP multiplier, instead of it they should be completely non existent.
02.06.2016 - 12:21
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 02.06.2016 at 02:43

This has to be the nicest thing you've ever said to me.

02.06.2016 - 12:46
Wr1tt3n by Zephyrusu, 01.06.2016 at 04:31

I agree that maps should pass a test to determine if they should give SP or not but that regulation shouldn't be too extreme, only complete cancers like RP or WW1 should give no SP.

Disagree, giving those genres no SP anihilates the genres and thus, restrains the player's freedom to play what he wants, the current multiplier system is okay..
02.06.2016 - 12:50
Wr1tt3n by Professor Adog, 02.06.2016 at 12:40

bla bla

Nice projections.
02.06.2016 - 12:50
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 01.06.2016 at 00:00

no life players who think they're some what cooler than everyone else cause they can play this game 20 hours a day while the rest of us have to go to work, univeristy, school...

He just mentioned Andartes?
02.06.2016 - 12:50
Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 02.06.2016 at 12:46

Wr1tt3n by Zephyrusu, 01.06.2016 at 04:31

I agree that maps should pass a test to determine if they should give SP or not but that regulation shouldn't be too extreme, only complete cancers like RP or WW1 should give no SP.

Disagree, giving those genres no SP anihilates the genres and thus, restrains the player's freedom to play what he wants, the current multiplier system is okay..

it doesn't annihilate the genre, unless the playerbase only play those maps because they get easy SP
02.06.2016 - 12:53
Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 02.06.2016 at 12:50

it doesn't annihilate the genre, unless the playerbase only play those maps because they get easy SP

With the SP Multiplier that makes RP's SP being really low, I doubt anyone plays it for the SP, trust me
02.06.2016 - 13:02
Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 02.06.2016 at 12:53

Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 02.06.2016 at 12:50

it doesn't annihilate the genre, unless the playerbase only play those maps because they get easy SP

With the SP Multiplier that makes RP's SP being really low, I doubt anyone plays it for the SP, trust me

not for the amount of SP, but mostly because is easy SP
02.06.2016 - 13:07
Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 02.06.2016 at 12:53

Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 02.06.2016 at 12:50

it doesn't annihilate the genre, unless the playerbase only play those maps because they get easy SP

With the SP Multiplier that makes RP's SP being really low, I doubt anyone plays it for the SP, trust me

If they don't play for sp then it does not need to give sp, simple as that, when you play a mod of fallout, cs go, cod, etc, do you still get rewarded for playing an altered and silly game mode? It just doesn't make sense to do so here either.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
02.06.2016 - 14:33
Wr1tt3n by Darkmace, 02.06.2016 at 14:26

Wr1tt3n by Helly, 02.06.2016 at 13:07

If they don't play for sp then it does not need to give sp, simple as that, when you play a mod of fallout, cs go, cod, etc, do you still get rewarded for playing an altered and silly game mode? It just doesn't make sense to do so here either.

Um... yes you do get awarded for playing anything on any game (referring to COD and CS:GO, not fallout since I don't own any) - not sure where you are getting your information from. You can play on Call of Duty competitively (4v4) and get awarded just as much XP as you do while playing TDM, or Domination (varying per kills, challenges, ect). As for CS:GO, same thing, you can play Competitve, or just basic public matchs and still earn XP.

By not awarding SP to something you only help kill the "game mode". Therefore I'm not sure where your logic comes into play, also with the game should be built around competitive scene. Which is also false. All games are built around casual play (unless they are special - which atWar does not share those characterises) because you want to attract regular players than those players decide if they want to invest time to play competitively. If everything in atWar was primarily competitive, it would just mean an even smaller player base.

Why are you against RP and Scenerios? What if someone said that competitive should not have any SP while everything else does. That is what you said (just the other way around).

3v3 would be like comp in those other games, while spacific scenarios would be like that of tdm and domination. Rps and most scenarios are little more then gimicks and should not retain sp what so ever. If you can ally everyone on the map, and gang bang 2 or 3 people, those tyoe of maps should give no sp.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
02.06.2016 - 14:38
Wr1tt3n by Darkmace, 02.06.2016 at 14:26

Why are you against RP and Scenerios? What if someone said that competitive should not have any SP while everything else does. That is what you said (just the other way around).

strategy points are not roleplay points, there is no strategy involved in RP since you can't even use strategies!
02.06.2016 - 15:28
Wr1tt3n by Weisser Wolf, 31.05.2016 at 13:12

Wr1tt3n by Helly, 31.05.2016 at 12:42

No one has anything to say? No hate no support, no nothing? Can any of you honestly say your content with this mess? So many people make diferent threads trying to have serious change brought about to the game, yet no one has anything to say when I bring something extremly viable to the table damn.

I totally support you, so, as a member of the mapmaking community, i was thinking on establish "standards" (like industry) to define what kind of map is ballanced and what no. For example, for many guys WWI map is ballanced and other guys thinks is unballanced.

An idea i have for balance completly custom maps its:

All major cities (caps) with a standariced income and reinf (example, 8 and 85 income)

one minor city with 6 reinfs and an income of 75% the ammount of cap (maybe 60-65)

a last minor city with only 3 reinf and 10 or 12 income.

this could let balanced all of the custom maps i know, so well, let's see what other mapmakers have to write about this.

To consider yourself a member of the map making community requires quite a deal more than some 10 play maps
02.06.2016 - 15:33
Wr1tt3n by Aetius, 02.06.2016 at 15:28

To consider yourself a member of the map making community requires quite a deal more than some 10 play maps

i know i'm novice in map making, so i made my tries. We have lots of premiums and they never care about map making. (3v3 narbs, 50k fags, etc)
03.06.2016 - 05:57
Wr1tt3n by Aetius, 02.06.2016 at 15:28

To consider yourself a member of the map making community requires quite a deal more than some 10 play maps

i guess i match the criteria with only my Iberian Map, my RPs and my GoTs
03.06.2016 - 05:58
Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 02.06.2016 at 14:38

strategy points are not roleplay points, there is no strategy involved in RP since you can't even use strategies!

blitz, imp, and even RA and GW can be used, and SM too, your point?
03.06.2016 - 05:59
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 02.06.2016 at 13:07

Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 02.06.2016 at 12:53

Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 02.06.2016 at 12:50

it doesn't annihilate the genre, unless the playerbase only play those maps because they get easy SP

With the SP Multiplier that makes RP's SP being really low, I doubt anyone plays it for the SP, trust me

If they don't play for sp then it does not need to give sp, simple as that, when you play a mod of fallout, cs go, cod, etc, do you still get rewarded for playing an altered and silly game mode? It just doesn't make sense to do so here either.

If you consider RP an altered and silly game mode, then you also need to put all custom map genres in that basket.
03.06.2016 - 09:22
Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 03.06.2016 at 05:59

Wr1tt3n by Helly, 02.06.2016 at 13:07

Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 02.06.2016 at 12:53

Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 02.06.2016 at 12:50

it doesn't annihilate the genre, unless the playerbase only play those maps because they get easy SP

With the SP Multiplier that makes RP's SP being really low, I doubt anyone plays it for the SP, trust me

If they don't play for sp then it does not need to give sp, simple as that, when you play a mod of fallout, cs go, cod, etc, do you still get rewarded for playing an altered and silly game mode? It just doesn't make sense to do so here either.

If you consider RP an altered and silly game mode, then you also need to put all custom map genres in that basket.

I do and am. Only certain extremly well tailored maps should recieve the sp mark of approval. Anything where you pick and choose who to ally and war is really unbalanced as shit because noobs abuse it and ally everyone, then proceed to kill anyone they don't ally,so you get these rp type games in which a very small country fights half the world, they proceed to do this to 3 or 4 people rack up 600 sp and ally end.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
03.06.2016 - 13:40
Wr1tt3n by Helly, 03.06.2016 at 09:22

Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 03.06.2016 at 05:59

Wr1tt3n by Helly, 02.06.2016 at 13:07

Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 02.06.2016 at 12:53

Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 02.06.2016 at 12:50

it doesn't annihilate the genre, unless the playerbase only play those maps because they get easy SP

With the SP Multiplier that makes RP's SP being really low, I doubt anyone plays it for the SP, trust me

If they don't play for sp then it does not need to give sp, simple as that, when you play a mod of fallout, cs go, cod, etc, do you still get rewarded for playing an altered and silly game mode? It just doesn't make sense to do so here either.

If you consider RP an altered and silly game mode, then you also need to put all custom map genres in that basket.

I do and am. Only certain extremly well tailored maps should recieve the sp mark of approval. Anything where you pick and choose who to ally and war is really unbalanced as shit because noobs abuse it and ally everyone, then proceed to kill anyone they don't ally,so you get these rp type games in which a very small country fights half the world, they proceed to do this to 3 or 4 people rack up 600 sp and ally end.

Not wanting to sound like a dick but you have a GGG map and GGG is the allyfag heaven
Someone Better Than You
03.06.2016 - 13:59
Wr1tt3n by Zephyrusu, 03.06.2016 at 13:40

Wr1tt3n by Helly, 03.06.2016 at 09:22

Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 03.06.2016 at 05:59

Wr1tt3n by Helly, 02.06.2016 at 13:07

Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 02.06.2016 at 12:53

Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 02.06.2016 at 12:50

it doesn't annihilate the genre, unless the playerbase only play those maps because they get easy SP

With the SP Multiplier that makes RP's SP being really low, I doubt anyone plays it for the SP, trust me

If they don't play for sp then it does not need to give sp, simple as that, when you play a mod of fallout, cs go, cod, etc, do you still get rewarded for playing an altered and silly game mode? It just doesn't make sense to do so here either.

If you consider RP an altered and silly game mode, then you also need to put all custom map genres in that basket.

I do and am. Only certain extremly well tailored maps should recieve the sp mark of approval. Anything where you pick and choose who to ally and war is really unbalanced as shit because noobs abuse it and ally everyone, then proceed to kill anyone they don't ally,so you get these rp type games in which a very small country fights half the world, they proceed to do this to 3 or 4 people rack up 600 sp and ally end.

Not wanting to sound like a dick but you have a GGG map and GGG is the allyfag heaven

and my ggg should recieve 0 sp.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
03.06.2016 - 14:08
Wr1tt3n by Weisser Wolf, 02.06.2016 at 15:33

Wr1tt3n by Aetius, 02.06.2016 at 15:28

To consider yourself a member of the map making community requires quite a deal more than some 10 play maps

i know i'm novice in map making, so i made my tries. We have lots of premiums and they never care about map making. (3v3 narbs, 50k fags, etc)

And which one of those are you? The spamming global every fking day with 5 lines of links for the same 1000th remake of scenarios, type of person?

Wr1tt3n by Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
03.06.2016 - 14:10
I like how this thread went from sensefull to utter bullshit when it started to go about mapmakers being all highhorse.

Such a waste, was worth the effort.

Wr1tt3n by Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
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