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P0st3d by T.Atheist, 03.03.2012 - 18:18
Desert Storm

Advanced Helicopters, faster but weaker Marines at the cost of slower and weaker
Tanks and Bombers. Faster and more expensive Transports and Submarines.

Tanks, (-1 attack, -1 defense, -1 range, +20 cost.)
Marines, (-1 attack, +1 range, -20 cost.)
Submarines & Transport, (+1 range, +50 cost.)
Helicopters, (+1 attack, +5 movement, +1 defense, +1 view range, +1Hp, -50 to cost)
Bombers, (-3 range, +20 cost.)

Remade, thanks to all posters.
Still need opinions on these changes, are they good or still some twisting and balancing to go?

Also i think that helicopters should be allowed the ability to take over a city, and not work as bombers or transport, same as destroyers.

Unit stats before & after the change:


Tanks, 8 Attack, 4 Defense, 3 ARB, 7 Hit points, 7 Range. - cost 120.
Marines, 7 Attack, 3 Defense, 3 ARB, 7 Hit points, 6 Range. - cost 160.
Helicopters, 6 Attack, 4 Defense, 5 ARB, 7 Hit points, 8 Range. - cost 200.
Bombers 6 Attack, 6 Defense, 3 ARB, 7 Hit points, 15 Range. - cost 160.
Submarines & Transports (10 Range.) - cost 250 for Transports, 200 cost for Submarines.


Tanks, 7 Attack, 3 Defense, 3 ARB, 7 Hit points, 6 Range.) - cost 140.
Marines, 6 Attack, 3 Defense, 3 ARB, 7 Hit points, 7 Range.) - cost 140.
Helicopters, 7 Attack, 5 Defense, 5 ARB, 8 Hit points, 13 Range.) - cost 150.
Bombers, 6 Attack, 6 Defense, 3 ARB, 7 Hit points, 12 Range.) - cost 180.
Submarines & Transports (11 Range.) - cost 300 for Transports, 250 for Submarines.
11.03.2012 - 22:21
Add +1 range to marines or +1 cap of marines to helicopters,
xD i reap a Perfect Defense India,Iron First Japan,Blitz South China, And a MoS indonesia, hahahaha
Desert storm is the best, but i almost die againts SM, and the marines are very slow,and dependent on helicopters, actually ifantry are better than marines xD
13.03.2012 - 13:37
Seems only thing to use this with for offense is Helicopters?
I like stuff.... Yay?
15.03.2012 - 08:55
Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 11.03.2012 at 22:21

Add +1 range to marines or +1 cap of marines to helicopters,
xD i reap a Perfect Defense India,Iron First Japan,Blitz South China, And a MoS indonesia, hahahaha
Desert storm is the best, but i almost die againts SM, and the marines are very slow,and dependent on helicopters, actually ifantry are better than marines xD

I would agree that infantry are better than Marines in 10k and less games, not in bigger fund games.
As for the range of the Marines i don't think its a good idea, since you can get upgrade that gives you +1 range.
02.07.2012 - 14:09
I would start using this strat, if they made it my way

Adv gunships : attack 9 def 6 like bombers(SM) adv marines plus you can transport them with gunships + 3 cap! that would make the strategy mixed with stealths and stronger offensive
28.12.2018 - 09:47
Whoa, who knew a Macedonian created DS.
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

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