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P0st3d by Crow, 27.10.2017 - 16:31
I want to play Catalonia
03.11.2017 - 07:48
Wr1tt3n by Darth., 03.11.2017 at 03:43

That's entirely your opinion.


Wr1tt3n by Darth., 03.11.2017 at 03:43

But no government likes ceding land

Again, 100% agreed! I am not saying that my idea would be very popular with government!

Wr1tt3n by Darth., 03.11.2017 at 03:43

Besides which, if going by your logic, if every secessionist movement in the US was given the choice to form its own government, (ignoring the American Civil War), Alaska, California, Florida, Texas, Georgia, Hawaii, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon, South Carolina, and Vermont would all be separate nations. Not to mention Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in the UK, Catalonia in Spain, Sicily in Italy etc etc.

Exactly! And I would push the idea further, down to smaller groups, almost down to neighborhoods (or even the individual level)

Obviously, I am presenting the idea in a "provocative" manner, which understandably triggers answers like "dis nigga crazy" . So I am glad to get an intelligent answer like yours

But what I mean to say is that I would be curious to see how, once we reach relatively small groups, free associations would form, and how bottom-up democracy would thrive. That's the idea behind all my weird, non-intuitive posts. I am not saying that breaking up countries recursively would be an efficient way to reach that goal. But I am curious to see if being our own masters, freely associated with whichever group we decide, would manage to build better social structures than those we have right now, all issued from top down democracy / dictatorships. I was curious to have your opinions on the matter

But I do not hope much. I understand that people currently in power would not give it away. I understand that authoritative people, racist people, people that think they know what's best for their neighbor or simply just want to dominate others for their own interests (like Rajoy) would not like to see this implemented. And unfortunately, I believe that makes up for a good proportion of humanity - or at least of the AtWar community

Edit: ... and I should also add, on top of authoritative and racist people, the category of people that like freedom but think it would simply not work - i did not mean to say that you if you don't believe in bottom-up, you are automatically either racist or authoritative.
03.11.2017 - 14:42
Wr1tt3n by Acquiesce, 01.11.2017 at 21:10

Wr1tt3n by Ghostface, 01.11.2017 at 15:29

Andartes is right about this. Kosovo wasn't some land the serbians stumbled upon but was rather a sacred place they kept and invested in.
All the west clapped their hands when Serbia was bombed despite breaking international laws. Now they are calling the similar bid for independence of Catalonia foul.

He'd be right if he were making a general claim about NATO. Instead he's calling me a hypocrite as if it were my call to bomb Serbia, which as we all know is nonsense as my last name isn't Clinton.

You can try to justify yourself now, but its over, you replied with trashtalk. I simply posted comment of british politician who confirm situation in Catalonia is so serious its ready for war, and you get emotionally triggered thinking i accuse you of war. That's your problem not mine.

I can't wait next topic to see you, after 'whipe your ass with constitution', that gave you real credibility, people will so take your seriously.

Your comments are so childish, for example now calling referendum 'illegal', it's like there is someone who have to approve referendum and only then citizens can go out and vote. But i don't know which one are more funny, your childish comment or niggah-acting reply.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
03.11.2017 - 17:16
Wr1tt3n by Skanderbeg, 03.11.2017 at 14:42

But i don't know which one are more funny, your childish comment or niggah-acting reply.

03.11.2017 - 21:01
Wr1tt3n by Khal.eesi, 03.11.2017 at 17:16

Wr1tt3n by Skanderbeg, 03.11.2017 at 14:42

But i don't know which one are more funny, your childish comment or niggah-acting reply.

HIMYM gifs are my territory

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