G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 34   V1s1t3d by: 68 users

0r1g1n4l p0st

P0st3d by Oleg, 05.06.2021 - 13:00
Previous turn paste: https://pastebin.com/8F8AHdL5
[Turn 1 Phase 2] January 2023



1. Fundraising
Roll; 8+2=10
2. Research polls
3. Speech
4. Move to New York [1 energy]
5. Do fundraising [1 energy]
6. Build Campaign HQ
HQ built in New York
7. Move to California [1 energy]
8. Do fundraising [1 energy]
All topic popularity research poll in California
Give Interview [1 energy]
- Questions to WD for interveiw in California:
3. Are you Pro-life??
2. Do you support Transgender Individuals Serving in the Military?
3. Do you support Universal Health Care?
4. Do you support Green New Deal?
9. Move to Michigan [1 energy]
10. All topic popularity research poll in Michigan
11. Do fundraising
Positive TV ads in California, Washington, Illinois, Pennsylvania

Rest to be updated, a lot of RL obligations this week.
10.06.2021 - 17:53
Ok, I really waited long time, I will just kick them.

14.06.2021 - 13:40
 Witch-Doctor (M0d)
- Questions to WD for interveiw in California:
3. Are you Pro-life?? No, I'm pro-choice
2. Do you support Transgender Individuals Serving in the Military? Yes
3. Do you support Universal Health Care? Yes
4. Do you support Green New Deal? Yes
19.06.2021 - 09:37
Apologizes guys, I really had a lot of obligations past few weeks and will have for few more days aswell. Nonetheless, as of current game rules and mechanics, this is way too complicated and way too time consuming for me to do. I would need to spend 3/4 hours daily and it is not possible for me.
I might think of something a bit less complicated, but still realistic, just with less work for me to do.

02.07.2021 - 10:08
Wr1tt3n by Witch-Doctor, 14.06.2021 at 13:40

- Questions to WD for interveiw in California:
3. Are you Pro-life?? No, I'm pro-choice
2. Do you support Transgender Individuals Serving in the Military? Yes
3. Do you support Universal Health Care? Yes
4. Do you support Green New Deal? Yes

Tell me you're gay without telling me you're gay

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