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P0st3d by Hugosch, 04.09.2011 - 13:47
Grand 2v2 Afterwind Tournament Fall/Autumn

General information:
Unlike the other tournaments, this will be a teamgame tournament (2v2).

Registering: Registration closed.
Starting date: 24 September 2011
Finals starting: Group B and D already ended up. Waiting for group A and C to end to start the knock-out.
Current status: Playing knockout finals Signup as reserve is not possible anymore

Tournament type (Group phase and Knockout):
Starting with a group phase (Round-robin). 4 Groups with 4 teams in it. The 2 best teams of every group/poule will go through to the quater finals what will be a knockout system (like in world championship soccer). The winner of group A playes against the number 2 of group B. The winner of group B plays against the second of group A and so on. When teams have the same amount of wins when the groupstage has ended, the winner is decided by the winner of the match the 2 teams played (for example: If team A and team B have 2wins at the end of the groupstage; the winner of the group will be the team that has won the match of team A vs team B). If 3 or 4 teams have the same amount of wins, the winner is decided by total SP.

Scheduling matches
Last group matches are played now on Casual. The other matches will be played in 'Quick' mode. More information about this soon.

Matches rules:
Game Type: Teams (2)
Map: Europe+
Turn duration: 3mins (2 if both teams agree on it, default is 3)
Starting funds: 10k
Maximum players: 4
Joining until week: 0
Victory: Capture player capital and hold for at least 2 turns
Game duration: 50turns
Rares: None
Initial countries: 1
+100 cities: On
Allow rejoining: Off
Additional rule: First turnblocking (rushing) is NOT allowed. No attacks on enemy in the first turn at all (also not with more units). Doing this in the game will lead in a automaticly loss for that match.
Note: 1 player can play for just 1 team. If there are players with serval accounts; you can enter the tournament with just one of them. Entering the tournament with more accounts will lead in disqualification with all accounts.

Reporting your score
- Make a screenshot that will show who is the winner and post it here!
- When your enemy cheated (by attacking in the first turn for example); make a screenshot of that happening, and also post it here.

The results of the group stage:
Group A Groupwinner: Bam Lee, Second: YDWHYLBSWKYP
Group B Groupwinner: : ) BYZANTIA : ), Second: Semper Fudge
Group C Groupwinner: Mostly Harmless, Second: Vlam
Group D Groupwinner: Dalmatians, Second: Aguardente

The finals results are here:

Teamlist of the remaining finalist:
Bam Lee Sificvoid & Learster
YDWHYLBSWKYP KonstantinPats & TopHats
: ) BYZANTIA : ) Fruit & Aristosseur
Semper Fudge Mufasa & halaband
Mostly Harmless Kaptain_Kraut & Acquiesce
Vlam Hugosch & Indigo
Dalmatians LuciusII & Caulerpa
Aguardente SonyHaxor & Pinheiro
15.09.2011 - 15:28
BTW, To make the poules fair i will add this to the rules soon:
I need at least 16teams to fill all (4) poules. Every team that will be joining after i got 16teams, will be reserve because i can't make fair poules with 17 or 18 teams. This will be unless i got 20 teams, in that case i can make fair poules (4 poules with 5 teams). Every team after 20 will be reserve in that case, until 24, 28, 32 and so on. At the moment i got 15 teams; so if you want to join, do it quick so you are sure that you are not in the reserve list.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
15.09.2011 - 15:40
I think we can get 20 teams if we match some singles together, also it'd be my suggestion to have a best of 3 in the knockout (not hard to play 3 times consecutively) to remove excess luck like the league (poules you call them?) system puts in effect.
15.09.2011 - 17:40
Hey, I actually want to team up with Aristosseur and I've talked to him about the prospect. Would him being in two teams at once *ahem* he's going to win anyway be against the rules of the tournament?
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
15.09.2011 - 17:58
Wr1tt3n by Garde, 15.09.2011 at 15:27
If were on close to the same time (it seems like we are sometimes) than I'll partner if you'd like
If our matches can be scheduled for weekends, a Garde-NCM team is easily done.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
16.09.2011 - 00:33
@ Aristo: Would be nice if we got 20 teams. I will make 5teams per poule/league/group then.
@ YOBA: Joining the tournament more times is not allowed. There is a chance a player needs to play against his other team, that can't be done. With that, it's also not fair; everyone needs to have the same chance of winning. So, be quick and find yourself a other teammate. There are still some 'single' players out there willing to join.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
16.09.2011 - 03:42
Hugosch, I'm not trolling you, but is poule a word?
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
16.09.2011 - 05:13
Poule is a French word for group i think. It's also used in the netherlands when groupes (poules) are made for the world cup, or other sports groupsfase. I also have seen it has been used on english sites, that's why i thought that it was also commonly used in English. But, if you both and others don't know the word; i will use 'groups' from now on .
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
16.09.2011 - 06:58
Wr1tt3n by Hugosch, 16.09.2011 at 05:13

Poule is a French word for group i think. It's also used in the netherlands when groupes (poules) are made for the world cup, or other sports groupsfase. I also have seen it has been used on english sites, that's why i thought that it was also commonly used in English. But, if you both and others don't know the word; i will use 'groups' from now on .
Ah, I see. Cheers. The English equivalent is pool, I think.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
16.09.2011 - 07:49
Looking for a partner.
16.09.2011 - 08:04
Wr1tt3n by kasap, 16.09.2011 at 07:49

Looking for a partner.
Hello. GMT here.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
17.09.2011 - 17:09
Sificvoid and I would like to participate too. Team name would be "Bam Lee".
17.09.2011 - 18:25
Your team is added as the 16th team in the tournament and will be the on the first place to draw. Good luck.

Note to other players: All other teams that will sign in from this moment will be signed in as reserves. That's unless i got 4 reserve teams (20 teams in total), then it will also let them in.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
18.09.2011 - 14:27
Sign up me and gevheri (kasap) as
"Yo dawg we heard you like batman so we killed your parents" (if it's not long enough, if it is, just short it to YDWHYLBSWKYP)
18.09.2011 - 15:41
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
18.09.2011 - 16:24
Poor you
I am best NOOBS
18.09.2011 - 16:43
Konstantin and kasap have been added to the tournament (with your 'shortname') as the first reserve team. If we get 20teams in total before 21September, i will draw you in one of the current pots (currently you will be placed in pot2 if we get 20 teams). If we don't get 20 teams, we will start the tournament without your team in it. But, if there is one team that fails to show up in the first round, you will pick it's place. So, i think you are almost sure to play in this tournament.

@ncm; I know there are still a view players looking for a teammate; try to find someone in game .
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
18.09.2011 - 17:17
BTW: Sry for my sucky english. If there is anyone that can give me the right words fot 'Pot' (group before drawing) and 'Group' (group after drawing) i would like to hear that . For the moment, i will use Pot now; i hope everone understands....
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
19.09.2011 - 14:04
I think "Pot" and "Group" are pretty OK and international words, and everyone can understand it.

I would just "drawing" call "seeding" like in sports.

EDIT: what you think of opening separate topic for every group (A,B,C,D), when tournament starts? That way it would be easier to track results and games.
20.09.2011 - 04:13
IMPORTANT: Today is the last day to signup for the tournament!

@Caulerpa: Looks like a good idea to me. I also need a topic for the finals then. If the mods are ok with opening 5 topics about 1 tournament, then i will do that.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
20.09.2011 - 05:06
Knockout round can go to this topic, and group topics don't have to be sticky because they will anyway be on top of topics list.
20.09.2011 - 05:18
I can't create sticky topic :). I think one of the mods has done that .
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
20.09.2011 - 10:56
I like those pots, they are fair (are they definite?). Also what will happen in the knockout phase? I support best of 3 to remove all the luck that a bad roll on Berlin, a sudden disconnect for a crucial round etc can bring.

Edit: I am no sports fan and I confused (I think) the pools/pots where you draw people from to create the groups
20.09.2011 - 11:23
I also think the pots will result in fair groups and matches. Some teams are somewhat better then the pot there are in (and some teams can be moved to lower potitions in my opinion), but i think the big picture looks ok. The pots are definite, unless i get 3more teams that will signup today. If i get them; i will create a fifth pot and some teams can be moved to another pot then.

I'm still not sure about the knockout phase and best of 3. On one side it's fair against disconnections, but on the other side: What if i have a suprising strategy that makes me win in the first battle against all odds? Then i need to play 2games more and my enemy can change their strategy to not be suprised again. Also, if the enemy makes a 'luck' move to take on Berlin and loses that battle, then he took the risk for it. That's all in the game

I think i will stay with the 1game knockout. But if there are more players that think otherwise, let me know!
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
20.09.2011 - 17:26
Registration closed, only reserve registration possible from now.

The groups will be made tomorrow and can be followed on the chat. If you can't be there, you can find the groups later in the evening on the forum.
Read this topic original post again for all the rules in this tournament.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
20.09.2011 - 21:31
I can maybe join with ncm.?
As reserve
21.09.2011 - 01:40
If ncm. is ok with this, i can add you to the reserve list
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
21.09.2011 - 10:06
Sorry, after being repeatedly muted for less-than-minor offences, I will not be partaking in this tournament. Muy apologies to Barrymore and Hugosch. Good luck with the tournament.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
21.09.2011 - 11:00
Wr1tt3n by BASED Ironail, 21.09.2011 at 10:06

Sorry, after being repeatedly muted for less-than-minor offences, I will not be partaking in this tournament. Muy apologies to Barrymore and Hugosch. Good luck with the tournament.

Although i don't understand what your muting has to do with this tournament (that is player created), i deleted your team in the pot. @Barrymore: If you can find another teammate; you are the second in the reserve list.

Because The Albanian Mothers left; YDWHYLBSWKYP is added to the tournament and will start in Pot2. Semper Fudge is moved from Pot2 to Pot1. Pot3 and 4 are unchanged.

Also we got another reserve team: "Whatever" has joined as the first reserve team.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
21.09.2011 - 11:56
Barrymore and ncm. added as the second reserve team.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
21.09.2011 - 13:39
Hey can i get in on the tournament as a reserve?
I like stuff.... Yay?

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