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P0st3d by Nero, 25.09.2018 - 10:37


who is the best player ever lived?

loachra the bully
mauzer panteri (old one, new mp is troll

T0t4l v0t3s: 117
15.11.2018 - 16:44
is best
Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est
Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
15.11.2018 - 16:49
Wr1tt3n by Khal.eesi, 07.10.2018 at 22:54

I think 4nic and witch are what goblin and tophats were in the old days. Top of the cream solo players, however as already said there are more to being an all around best i think.

My 3 spots for players dominating in all aspects of the game, consistently throughout many many years and seasons, would be Mauzer Aqui and Lao in my opinion. Offcourse there are other amazing players but this would be my top 3.

If i had to pick one it would be Lao. Theres something about this kid (2 meters tall kid hehe) and his analytical brain that seems like it is made for strategy. If he applies the same energy, tactical thinking and brainpower to his real life like he did for this godforsaken game, it wont be long till he rules the world.

Due that people is nothin comparin to Vict0ry
Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est
Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
15.11.2018 - 16:51
Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est
Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
15.11.2018 - 17:24
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
This poll is very short sighted. Besides clovis, no other player has any kind of diversity in the maps played. Why is one particular setting that much important over almost infinite others?

Players like Panteri, el Creyente and WD whom I've seen in all kinds of settings deserve such nominations much more. I don't want to include myself in such nominations though, as I'm not to judge about myself.
15.11.2018 - 17:37
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 15.11.2018 at 17:24

This poll is very short sighted. Besides clovis, no other player has any kind of diversity in the maps played. Why is one particular setting that much important over almost infinite others?

Players like Panteri, el Creyente and WD whom I've seen in all kinds of settings deserve such nominations much more. I don't want to include myself in such nominations though, as I'm not to judge about myself.

Panteri and wd yes. El crey no, he is meh.

But last I checked we were all playing a game called atwar. All this fuss about settings is just a diversion by non-competitive players to convince themselves they don't suck. I mean how hard is it to learn the 6 basic countries on the small eu map. It is still objectively the best map on atwar to demonstrate your atwar proficiency(feel free to try arguing that another map is better-if it existed we'd be playing it). But by all means continue to run from duelers on eu and convince yourself theyre not better than you at the game because you play loads of maps nobody cares about.
15.11.2018 - 17:46
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 15.11.2018 at 17:37

Come on Laochra, I'm not arguing what you're saying. My argument is that the presented options are too shallow and the main reason is obvious — exclusive, yet highly unbased criterion. Automatically excluding all players who aren't wholly competitive from selection for best player on AW is nonsense. No wonder the most voted player is also the one who plays single fixed settings the least.
15.11.2018 - 18:13
AtWar has seen many great players but tophats was far more ahead with ELO than anyone at his time. His ~1700 ELO record was set in a time where 1200 ELO would have given you a spot in the Top 50.
He was ahead of 2nd Place by at least 130 ELO.
You can't compare 1750 ELO from now vs ~1700 ELO from 4 years ago, where the ELO system was roughly 1 year old.

His 1650 ELO in comparision to others.

1279 ELO was enough to get you a Top20 spot in July of 2013.
Best that I was able to find, but you can imagine that ELO system doesn't inflate that fast.

tophats comes out as the #1 player if you consider the difference from #1 to #2 and ELO inflation.

Source of pictures:
Columna Durruti (Player Statistics Reloaded)
15.11.2018 - 18:14
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 15.11.2018 at 17:46

Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 15.11.2018 at 17:37

Come on Laochra, I'm not arguing what you're saying. My argument is that the presented options are too shallow and the main reason is obvious — exclusive, yet highly unbased criterion. Automatically excluding all players who aren't wholly competitive from selection for best player on AW is nonsense. No wonder the most voted player is also the one who plays single fixed settings the least.

If you dont compete and prove you can kill all the best players on their man settings then don't be shocked when you're on nobodies best player lists. Map diversity isnt even a relevant criteria. The only effect it seems to have had on this list is it convinced a load of scen noobs that clovis is some kind of god when he took all the skills and knowlege he learned from the top world map players and used them to rape you guys.

All you need for a thorough atwar education on gameplay is europe+ 10k, world map games 3-15k, master some economical setting like africa or mideast and then learn 1 of the main scenarios like ww1, 2 or ostfront.
15.11.2018 - 22:10
Indeed we all love clovis
16.11.2018 - 00:07
I am insulted that I wasn't even in this poll. Fake polls!!!!!

TJM !!!
16.11.2018 - 04:46
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 15.11.2018 at 18:14

Again irrelevant to the discussion on the poll. It's about the criterium for selection of players (which obviously isn't serious, since it's Nero <3), not about your opinions on competitive games.
16.11.2018 - 10:45
Wr1tt3n by Chess, 15.11.2018 at 18:13

Right now me and grom have 1700 elo and its not because of a drastic elo inflation going on, (dont get me wrong it is inflated but not by a huge difference)
Currently to reach 1700 elo youd need to farm the elo juice from all the other top elo duelists, you cant do it by dueling 1400 elo you bound to lose a few and gain too little from many victories

Look at how the current gap goes:
grom 1703
me 1690
huark goes way down at 1606
lao eagle and wd are in the 1550's
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

16.11.2018 - 16:29
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by 4nic, 16.11.2018 at 10:45

Look at how the current gap goes:
grom 1703
me 1690
huark goes way down at 1606
lao eagle and wd are in the 1550's

I'm at 1612 you cruel bastard
16.11.2018 - 16:36
Best of all time either Aristosseur or Ironail, can't decide, maybe Aristosseur little bit stronger. There are few that can match them like Caulerpa, Tophat or Houdini, but definitely these 2 most op i've seen.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
16.11.2018 - 16:54
Wr1tt3n by Skanderbeg, 16.11.2018 at 16:36

Best of all time either Aristosseur or Ironail, can't decide, maybe Aristosseur little bit stronger. There are few that can match them like Caulerpa, Tophat or Houdini, but definitely these 2 most op i've seen.

Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est
Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
16.11.2018 - 18:55
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 16.11.2018 at 16:29

Wr1tt3n by 4nic, 16.11.2018 at 10:45

Look at how the current gap goes:
grom 1703
me 1690
huark goes way down at 1606
lao eagle and wd are in the 1550's

I'm at 1612 you cruel bastard

i only mentioned the guys that have dueled in the last 5000 days.
since all the elo from the inactive players is basically gone for good unless they start dueling again
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

16.11.2018 - 19:27
There's probably no right answer unless we split it into certain eras, whether people like to admit it or not the game has infact changed a lot in terms of how it's played and even certain game mechanics being removed and so on.

Let's take Tophats for example, I played against him during his peak-ish era and got totally destroyed. Then during 2015/16(I can't remember exactly) he had a brief stint with us in Victorious Secret and since he hadn't played the game in awhile he hadn't adapted to the newer meta and mechanics and was a mere shadow of his former self.

So let's fast forward to our current Era, 4nic is undoubtedly 1 of the best players. Unlike most of the newer generation of rush t1 players who go upto high 1500 elo and sometimes even 1600 and above we also can see them lose and drop all the way back down to 1300/1400 within a single day where as we see 4nic is consistently in the 1600's and above.

Would have been interesting to see what good players of today had been like if they were around with some of the older good players or if the older players continued playing to now.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
17.11.2018 - 05:31
Vict0ry best
Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est
Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
17.11.2018 - 09:33
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by 4nic, 16.11.2018 at 18:55

i only mentioned the guys that have dueled in the last 5000 days.
since all the elo from the inactive players is basically gone for good unless they start dueling again

I duelled 900d ago you cruel bastard
19.11.2018 - 13:20
 Witch-Doctor (M0d)
Wr1tt3n by 4nic, 16.11.2018 at 10:45

Wr1tt3n by Chess, 15.11.2018 at 18:13

Right now me and grom have 1700 elo and its not because of a drastic elo inflation going on, (dont get me wrong it is inflated but not by a huge difference)
Currently to reach 1700 elo youd need to farm the elo juice from all the other top elo duelists, you cant do it by dueling 1400 elo you bound to lose a few and gain too little from many victories

Look at how the current gap goes:
grom 1703
me 1690
huark goes way down at 1606
lao eagle and wd are in the 1550's

You mean dodging duels and tryharding every duel? No thanks, if I wanted to ruin my enjoyment of atwar, I would elo whore. There is nothing fun about being scared to duel and lose your hard earned elo. There's no fun in not being able to do retarded shit for the hell of it.
19.11.2018 - 19:46
Grom is a pussy
20.11.2018 - 05:54
The elo do not mean nothing the sp means all and Vict0ry is the best in sp i mean
Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est
Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
20.11.2018 - 05:59
Wr1tt3n by Alphamon, 20.11.2018 at 05:54

The elo do not mean nothing the sp means all and Vict0ry is the best in sp i mean

we get it
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
27.11.2018 - 03:19
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 15.11.2018 at 17:24

This poll is very short sighted. Besides clovis, no other player has any kind of diversity in the maps played. Why is one particular setting that much important over almost infinite others?

Players like Panteri, el Creyente and WD whom I've seen in all kinds of settings deserve such nominations much more. I don't want to include myself in such nominations though, as I'm not to judge about myself.

You suck anyway
27.11.2018 - 03:24
Prometheus should be on this list. He was around for only months. And in that time he veni vidi vici'd the shit out of this game. Got bored and moved on to better things.
02.12.2018 - 12:55
Wr1tt3n by Khal.eesi, 07.10.2018 at 22:54

I think 4nic and witch are what goblin and tophats were in the old days. Top of the cream solo players, however as already said there are more to being an all around best i think.

Hahaha. That has to be a joke bro. If those 2 are the "top" players now, this game is in the worst shape in history lmao. They are nowhere near TopHats level, and never will be, their brainpower simply won't allow it.

I have never beat TopHats.

I have beat both 4nic and witch, and I was even rusty after a million years of not playing. Easy.

witch doctor is so shit in fact, that he lost against me (Nazi Germany) as USA, even tho he had the help of : Pacific USA army ( supposed to go to Japan) , + full force Canada Army.

3 armies on me. He still lost. They rigged the game tho, chess being my ally helped them instead of me, so the game went to shit,but the fact stays wd is trash.
04.12.2018 - 02:30
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 02.12.2018 at 16:38

Wr1tt3n by Phoenix, 27.11.2018 at 03:24

Prometheus should be on this list. He was around for only months. And in that time he veni vidi vici'd the shit out of this game. Got bored and moved on to better things.

No disrespect to him but he was the real ds/gw rusher and not much else to be honest. I don't think that puts him at the top

GW isnt a rush strat and while he did play those he would also use other strats where appropriate, part of being a good player is making the right decisions.... Its not like he used strats as a crutch, he would play anyone anywhere and win. Including many players on the list. My point is he shouldnt be forgotten about.
04.12.2018 - 11:53
04.12.2018 - 12:05
 Witch-Doctor (M0d)
Wr1tt3n by Phoenix, 04.12.2018 at 02:30

Wr1tt3n by Guest, 02.12.2018 at 16:38

Wr1tt3n by Phoenix, 27.11.2018 at 03:24

Prometheus should be on this list. He was around for only months. And in that time he veni vidi vici'd the shit out of this game. Got bored and moved on to better things.

No disrespect to him but he was the real ds/gw rusher and not much else to be honest. I don't think that puts him at the top

GW isnt a rush strat and while he did play those he would also use other strats where appropriate, part of being a good player is making the right decisions.... Its not like he used strats as a crutch, he would play anyone anywhere and win. Including many players on the list. My point is he shouldnt be forgotten about.

Are you serious? Literally every game as ukr he would go as DS. He also spammed hundreds of 5k duels where he picked GW poland which is the best pick on the map.
04.12.2018 - 12:11
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
This boring topic is still active zzz ...

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