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P0st3d by Augustus Caesar, 10.06.2019 - 04:42
Here is a thread I have dedicated for us to share about a friend of yours who has been banned from this site. I will start...

Black Swans: Some lil angry Bosnian kid who forced me to play Coalition wars with him or duel other people(i was never a fan of the comp scene) because of him I learned new things and actually enjoyed playing competitive for sometime. When we made our clan "The Timeless Ones" we were playing cw's left right and centre not caring about win or lose and because of that it was so much fun and I regard it as close to being the best time I had on this platform. Once we had refined our skills we returned to Victorious Secret and actually had quite a good season peaking at 2nd place near the end but after some bad choices we lost our place :'( . After that we never really got back into playing seriously and then he picked a fight with Dave and was perma banned.

How I miss my friend, Is there any players who suffered a similar fate who you have fond memories of? if so then share below...
25.01.2025 - 22:38
Wr1tt3n by Khauman, 25.01.2025 at 22:25

Wr1tt3n by woojoo, 25.01.2025 at 21:49

I miss my friend bassmaster that I made on here, haven't seen him in multiple years.

I miss him too he was fun and a good guy

You don't miss him as much as you miss Lil Rain though.

26.01.2025 - 20:12
Unleashed. He was always there for me and looked after my own good


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