I sell meh bg and tribune for the good of the Republic. May the almighty shine brightly on the new messiah (Fenix converts to Cult of Fenix).
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
K i join rebellion if following terms agreed upon (honor bound):
All Spain is mine (guv)
Egypt is Mr. Army (guv)
We (me and army) are never under threat of execution or assassination from the rebellion or its members either before/during/after victory.
In return, I assasinate no rebels
K i join rebellion if following terms agreed upon (honor bound):
All Spain is mine (guv)
Egypt is Mr. Army (guv)
We (me and army) are never under threat of execution or assassination from the rebellion or its members either before/during/after victory.
i agree to all, this effect all rebels, if you dont agree you can stay in your exile or something
but you cant try and kill other rebels
When I come back I'm joining Empi
Name: Felix Pompeius
I await my inheritance from White army's family concerning our ancestoral agreement.
Wr1tt3n by Phoenix, 26.10.2017 at 13:54
I await my inheritance from White army's family concerning our ancestoral agreement.
Someone Better Than You
if its about provinces rollls then aome prpvinces has -dr+1 or soemthing like that in their personal/state income
Battle of Nursia
Gaius Antonius Minor (Tunder3) (Flanking)
(5 Legions + 9 Auxilliares +4 command)=23 strength
*Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle)(Direct Charge) TACTICAL COUNTER
(3 Evocati + 4 Legions +6 command) = 23 strength
Battle Roll: 13 (-4 from tactical counter =9)
Result: Stalemate
After driving off the Senate army at Ausculum. Emperor Leto spent his time raising money and recruiting allies. From Parthia came the notorious exiles Marcus Justiniatus Vergilius (Lenny McLenny) , Publius Ovidius (Pheonixking929), and Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid). Their loyalties were rather dubious which would be proven later but their funds were forced to the cause whereupon they raised 4 auxila
After recruiting forces throughout the end of fall, the imperial army marches on Rome as winter closed in. Only the smaller legionary army of Andertius remained in its path, a strong position blocking the pass through the Apennines, Antonius had no time to take another route so chose to attack. Both sides exhorted to their troops the necessity of victory that any retreat would be severely punished.
Antonius, rather than risking his legions sent all the auxiliaries into a flanking attack on the left in hope it would draw Andertius from his strong position. This did not go according to plan, as Andertius had no intentions of standing still, charged directly into the much larger enemy army cutting a swathe through the attacking auxiliaries. This came at a very high price however since precious legions were spent, and much noble roman blood was split. Antonius could not recover the situation and had to retreat.
Rebel Casualties
-4 Auxilliares
Senate Casualties
Legio XIV Gemina
Legio XIII Gemina Secundus
Legio Evocati III Helvetica
Legio XIX Britannica
Meanwhile at Leto's camp
While feasting, a taste tester for the Emperor fell ill after drinking the wine. Leto knew it must have been Marcus Justiniatus Vergilius (Lenny McLenny) but the guards searched everywhere and could not find him , he seemed to have fled in a hurry.
Effect: Assasination failed perpeatrator unkown, attempt to execute lenny also failed, he flees into exile
Later, when Antonius returned with news that they were unable to defeat the Senate, in a rage Leto, at the urging of Tiberius Germanus ordered him executed for his failure, or treason. Either way, the blame would fall upon him. The soldiers refused to execute him in an unsightly manner, and gave him a soldier's death, a stab through the heart.
Effect: Execution of tunder succeeds
==Turn 47: Phase 1 has begun==
1 on Equite unless Aetius forgot to update my money meaning I have 3 in which case 3 on Equite.
Someone Better Than You
Edited reforms to make more senseL
+legions 25 cost, 3 upkeep. pros are more cost effective long term and loyal while auxila are cheaper at first but more expensive over time and less loyal. Also Praetorians provide free open bodyguard (+2) without popularity penalty.
Max on equite
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
==Turn 47: Phase 2 has begun==
"You can buy auxilliaries (only fleets now) in Asia"
Makes sense.
Someone Better Than You
"You can buy auxilliaries (only fleets now) in Asia"
Makes sense.
shhhhh asia is mine by god words
100% tax, put pking in a cell after i take his money trsid will command
i will jew all the money from the rebels bank to myself to have a value in case i lose the battles, after i take it i will donate 25 talents to the bank.
Due to the treason of trsid as can be shown here: http://prntscr.com/h3h06l
he will be in a cell from now on (so from now on he cant run into exile) and have to agree for the next terms or else be executed (honor deals are bullshit its my own empire i have no honor for traitors): you wont pick the start, i will pick it, and you have to agree whatever its without knowing what strat its
if you dont agree you will be executed and then same deal goes for pking if he dont agree he will be executed aswell and i will command the battles myself i dont care if i have 2 command
and in case i cant execute trsid he will be held in a cell forever
I join Jesus rebellion
you are welcome if you agree to do not assassin anyone, you wont command any battles unless you agree that i pick the start
honor deals for both, also you have to agree to give me full ghost for you and your stuff (money equites ect)
Allow jesus to pick strat
Battle of Tetricus Mons
Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid) (Direct Charge)
(5 Legions + 5 Auxilliares +5 command)=20 strength
Hortensius Quartus Cocles (Empirezz)(Envelopment) TACTICAL COUNTER
(2 Evocati + 1 Legions +10 Auxilliares +4 command) = 22 strength
Battle Roll: 5 (+2 from greater strength+4 from tactical counter =11)
Result: Stalemate
Hortensius Quartus Cocles , with his signifigantly increased army has moved to seize Asculum and their camp blocking the way. He baits Germanus with a feigned cavalry charge in a valley near Tetricus Mons where his men were positioned on all side to charge down on the rebel army. This attack was clumsy though, and poorly timed by the newly recruited auxilliaries, allowing Germanus to react accordingly with reinforcements and a strong shield wall. Seeing no decisive win could now be won, Cocles withdrew..
Rebel Casualties
-2 Auxilliares
Senate Casualties
-2 Auxilliares
Meanwhile at Leto's camp
Paranoia runs rampant, Publius Ovidius (Pheonixking929) is imprisoned for Leto's suspicion that he was involved in the plot to kill him.
Meanwhile, Germanus flees the imperial side and rejoins the Senate, fearing for his own life and not being a strong believer in his right to rule.
However, a new mysterious man arrives, by the name of Julius Marcus (Hertzel) . He sees an opportunity in Leto, and now, a chance for greater power as his second-in-command. In return, he offers him his vast fortune, enough to raise a great army and take Rome once and for all...
Rush rome, kappa command (4 mili skill) rise 10 aux ( we should have 7 left over +rich kappa gives us 94)
dont Execute pking
gg guys
Battle of Narnia
Julius Marcus (Hertzel) (Envelopment) TACTICAL COUNTER
(5 Legions + 13 Auxilliares +4 command)=27 strength
Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle)(Direct Charge)
(2 Evocati + 1 Legions +8 Auxilliares +6 command) = 22 strength
Battle Roll: 7 (+5 from greater strength+4 from tactical counter =16)
Result: Imperial Victory
In desperation, Cocles resigns in favor of Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) who leads the defense of Narnia, a strategic position between the rebels and Rome. Leading the opposing force was a new man promoted by the Emperor to high status for his merits. Julius Marcus served as a soldier before in the civil wars on the populare side, and as a valued advisor in the Moesian Campaigns.
Hoping to pull the same tactic as he had against Antonius, Pavle charged the rebel line before they could manuever. At first, it seemed successful, but it was a trap as Marcus has kept his legions in reserve to wheel around the sides and crush the senat earmy from 3 , leaving an opening in the rear which he let the romans flee out of. These disordered troops were easily run down by moesian auxiliary cavalry and slaughtered.
The defeat was great, Senate had now lost control over Italy but Andertius managed to escape north with his army to somewhere else…
Emperor Leto congratulated Marcus on his victory and marched into Rome, however most of the Senators managed to escape save for the erstwhile Tiberius Germanus , who had unluckily fled Leto on the eve of his great victory.
Rebel Casualties
Senate Casualties
Legio XXI Bithynica
-8 Auxilliares
Rome conquered
At Rome
If Rome is lost, its treated as a lost battle for everyone in the city, 1-3 caught, 4-6 escape.
Everyone escapes except Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid). Because this was a victorious commander revolt, there is no special phase, it will now move immediatly to next turn with emperor leto in charge of rome.
Exiled senate will now pick a new capital, Hortensius Quartus Cocles (Empirezz) is their leader. He picked EGYPT. Although mrarmy must agree...
1 talent on equite
1 talent on equite ![](/images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
you have to be in rome for that
1 talent on equite ![](/images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
you have to be in rome for that
wow... nice captured Rome... k
1 talent on equite ![](/images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
you have to be in rome for that
wow... nice captured Rome... k
if you want to join the rebels you are welcome <3
you will be taxed and you will have to fight the seante and take provinces from them
==Turn 48: Phase 1 has begun==