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02.02.2014 - 18:15
Well, hi. Yesterday I was working on my map and I wanted to add Pope as a GROUND RARE COMMANDER. But then I found out that it is not possible to create rare commanders. But we should be able to do that as there are already 3 offical rare commanders. My succestion is the upgrade of the unit builder so thqt we can create rare commanders of any kind. Thanks for your attention.
02.02.2014 - 18:20
Use Ground: Rare and edit the unit (similar to field officer, admiral or air marshal... could work. The unit then would add "special features" to the units in the stack. If you want it to be a "regular" buildable unit, then make it Ground: Other unit and give similar features like the ones mentioned before. It will do just fine.
03.02.2014 - 05:08
Wr1tt3n by Columna Durruti, 02.02.2014 at 18:20

Use Ground: Rare and edit the unit (similar to field officer, admiral or air marshal... could work. The unit then would add "special features" to the units in the stack. If you want it to be a "regular" buildable unit, then make it Ground: Other unit and give similar features like the ones mentioned before. It will do just fine.

Can't do that; Admiral, Field Officer and Marshall show nothing different from rare units aside from "commander" box checked in the menu. I'ts impossible to check the box when creating a new rare unit. That should be upgraded.
03.02.2014 - 11:49
Wr1tt3n by sinanco, 03.02.2014 at 05:08

Wr1tt3n by Columna Durruti, 02.02.2014 at 18:20

Use Ground: Rare and edit the unit (similar to field officer, admiral or air marshal... could work. The unit then would add "special features" to the units in the stack. If you want it to be a "regular" buildable unit, then make it Ground: Other unit and give similar features like the ones mentioned before. It will do just fine.

Can't do that; Admiral, Field Officer and Marshall show nothing different from rare units aside from "commander" box checked in the menu. I'ts impossible to check the box when creating a new rare unit. That should be upgraded.

OK; got it.
Basically what you want (would like to see implemented) is a rare unit (not buildable but that gets drop-ins) that has not "only" a defense bonus against specific units, but also the attack bonuses that have commanders (field officer, admiral and air marshal). Currently it is not possible to build Rare: Commanders; like you said.

Support! Allow rare units to check commander check-box.
03.02.2014 - 12:01
Exactly! thanks for the support! awaiting more support from others

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