15.07.2014 - 16:00
Hi all I've been lookin for a fix in the forum. Also i tried to ask in help chat. But didn't find a solution for this: Today, i was editing the descriptions of praetorians guard clan. And when i was almost done, i realised that the links i was posting were not working at all. PICS OF THE PROBLEM i write that code in edting clan site. it's a correct code, so should work and direct you to Dizabo profile. And show only the name of Dizabo in that color. just like this: - Dizabo Co-Leader and Teacher in academia But when you click in the name, for go to the profile, direct you there as error 404. And its becouse at war automaticatly add "http://atwar-game.com/cln/"to the direction. I know i can use the [+user] name of the player [/user+] for the link, but the name show in white. And i want it in dark red. i alrady tried to write ][user+] zxstyle[/user] and all the variants. so i don't know what else do... Looks stupid, but i spend a afternoon to make the page, and white names f**k the page. any help it's welcome thanks.
15.07.2014 - 17:56
Hypelink color it's blue, not white. also this code work in other sites. You can change the color of th hiperlinks
16.07.2014 - 17:26
I know i tried that too as i explained in the first message. Any way i already figure out how to do it (you can click down in the thanks and will direct you to my clan). Also i find a coolest way to link the leaders and the officers in the main clan page. as i told you, you can do it welcome to internet :p
16.07.2014 - 21:04
4r3 y0u sur3?