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0r1g1n4l p0st

P0st3d by BASED Ironail, 15.07.2011 - 08:40
I apologize for making (and somewhat setting a trend) the tournament at 5K starting funds, in Europe.

It was fun for about 5-6 matches, but it quickly became apparent that there weren't that many options that are viable, or even strategies at that. Matches soon became very predictable, and, due to the low starting cost, it resulted in cluttered matches where people started near each other, leading to 1st turn turnblocking and other very random factors that could affect the game. In addition, zerg-rushing became a very popular and powerful way to win a match in 4-5 or less turns. This isn't fun or entertaining.

Any tournaments I organize thereafter (if any!) will be @ 10K as they're more skill-oriented.

That is all. Comments appreciated.
18.07.2011 - 19:43
Wr1tt3n by BASED Ironail, 18.07.2011 at 09:06

Wr1tt3n by PANTHA_1, 17.07.2011 at 23:43

Wr1tt3n by BASED Ironail, 17.07.2011 at 06:17

Dude, I wasn't doubting you, just commenting on the fact that you played over two hours for 700 SP

would you not play that long for that much sp?

Not in a Europe map. Yesterday, my match against Totenkopf lasted about 40 minutes and he won 1100 SP overall. I consider that "good"

oh nice, i would consider 1100 sp as quite a good game. an average game is maby 300 sp. i just get whatever i can
i know there's an answer i just don't know what it is yet
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