‹‹ B4ck t0 Bugs
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23.01.2011 - 17:42
Recently, I was playing an Africa game when someone tried to attack my capital in South Africa, but had his troops in a transport near the coast. I moved my battleships to attack his transport before it could reach land. When the next turn started, I noticed that my battleships had disappeared, and were now on Pretoria, instead of still being out on the open sea. I could not move the battleships at all. Has this ever occurred before, and is it going to be fixed?
23.01.2011 - 18:24
Wr1tt3n by Hawk, 23.01.2011 at 17:42

Recently, I was playing an Africa game when someone tried to attack my capital in South Africa, but had his troops in a transport near the coast. I moved my battleships to attack his transport before it could reach land. When the next turn started, I noticed that my battleships had disappeared, and were now on Pretoria, instead of still being out on the open sea. I could not move the battleships at all. Has this ever occurred before, and is it going to be fixed?

What happened was your battleships unlocked the "flight" upgrade. Its actually a feature in afterwind that ships can fly.

See this topic for more details...
http://afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=160 (ok, if too lazy to click, yes this is a bug, yes they know about it, and yes its going to be fixed : ) )

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