G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 2   V1s1t3d by: 81 users
14.11.2015 - 06:58
The most expensive upgrade (Faster Infantry) is regarded as the most powerful upgrade.
Ironically, the most expensive strategy is the least used and probably considered as the weakest.

A Noob ask questions:
1. What the bleep is hybrid Warfare? What are its strengths and weaknesses.
2. Which country/map/scenario/blah would access the best use of this.
3. If we take the nerfs of its bombers, stealth (or upgrade sub/heli), would this be the most versatile strategy? (with 9 atk/7 def)

I really dont know what im talking about. Peace.
14.11.2015 - 07:47
Cheaper inf is the most expensive upgrade....
As for what hw is, for the 100th time there is a units page http://atwar-game.com/home/units.php
and how to use it: use your head

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