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G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 2   V1s1t3d by: 16 users
20.05.2016 - 15:10
Sorry no screenshot.

2 marines - attack - 3 tanks + 1 bomber

damages by ticks:
attack: _______ defense:
2 ____________ 1
2 ____________ 3
2 (-1 marine) ___ 5
3 ____________ 4 - bomber dies so all the tanks
1 marine survives

(Happened twice, in the other battle there was an air transport with 3-4 tanks over land, two militia killed them. - answered)
20.05.2016 - 16:16
I will only talk about the air transport and leave the other to clovis or any other who wants to answer.

This is mentioned in the tutioral,any unit in any kind of transport will die if the transport dies.

When a transport receives an attack you don't expect the units in it to do fighting do you?

Edit:If you want to protect your sea transports put bombers or destroyers in them so they do the fighting(at least until they are destroyed) and for air transports put bombers.

I hope I helped

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