G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 6   V1s1t3d by: 71 users
03.01.2017 - 12:22
If you took some neutral land would it be possible to make the borders between say Germany and Poland disappear so it looks like Poland ceded to Germany? This would be especially cool in custom maps/scenarios because then you can from the 3rd reich with proper borders
03.01.2017 - 22:56
Look,AtWar is based on Risk,Risk has borders,AtWar will have borders too.The end.
30.01.2017 - 02:24
Wr1tt3n by Cold Case, 03.01.2017 at 22:56

Look,AtWar is based on Risk,Risk has borders,AtWar will have borders too.The end.

and risk forces us to move in standard tiles so...

03.02.2017 - 02:36
Wr1tt3n by Maikop, 03.01.2017 at 12:22

If you took some neutral land would it be possible to make the borders between say Germany and Poland disappear so it looks like Poland ceded to Germany? This would be especially cool in custom maps/scenarios because then you can from the 3rd reich with proper borders

That is what the colors are for.
Embrace the void
03.02.2017 - 21:33
Deep down we all want to form the Third Reich
05.02.2017 - 14:41
Wr1tt3n by RatWar, 03.02.2017 at 02:36

Wr1tt3n by Maikop, 03.01.2017 at 12:22

If you took some neutral land would it be possible to make the borders between say Germany and Poland disappear so it looks like Poland ceded to Germany? This would be especially cool in custom maps/scenarios because then you can from the 3rd reich with proper borders

That is what the colors are for.

still visible

and yes i wanted to form the third reich lel

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